経済短歌:米国経済がなぜ強いか? Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day?

中湖 康太

 経済短歌:米国経済がなぜ強いか? Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day?

米国の 経済強さ 秘密とは 労働市場 柔軟なこと

Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day?
Because the labor market is flexible extremely.

賃金を 上げろというは 易しいが 切れぬがゆえに 一律難(カタ)し

To say ‘Raise wages’ is easy,
But difficult to cut them in Japan, let alone force redundancy.

政府から 賃金上げろ 云々と 言うは市場の 強靭さ削ぐ

The government directions to raise wages, to do this or that, forcibly,
Are to weaken the inherent strength of market economy.

by Kota Nakako


経済短歌:米国経済がなぜ強いか? Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day? – 株式会社ゼネラル・カラー・サービス 中湖康太 経済文化コラム (general-cs.tokyo)

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