相場格言コラム8 買いにくい相場は高い(宴のあとか) after or for the banquet

中湖 康太



It is too late for the banquet.


It is not too late for the banquet.


買いにくい 相場は高い そのこころ 宴の後の 株価水準

The higher the stocks rise, the tougher you buy them. 

上げ相場 乗るか乗らぬか 躊躇(ちゅうちょ)する その間にも 株価は上がる

To get on the rising tide or not, that is the question.

The more you hesitate, the higher the stock rises.



It is no use saying “what if …” in stock investment. You may have stocks you would like to buy. Of course, you would like to buy them as cheap as possible. Yet, it is often the case that they are rising while you are going to buy them. Then you may lose the chances to buy them. Buy the stocks to buy. In stock investment, you should be determined to act based on your practical estimates and valuations.

中湖 康太

Kota Nakako


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