常盤台短歌1-11 掲載 Tokiwadai Tanka 1-11 in English
Tokiwadai Tanka
常盤台 城北誇る 優雅さよ 曲線やさし 心うるわす
Tokiwadai, What an Elegant Garden City in Johoku, North Tokyo. The Greenery and Curvature Moistens People’s Minds.
常盤台 優美なるとも 飾らない 住みやすきまち 人にやさしき
Tokiwadai, With Its Beautiful and Elegant Cityscape, Still Comfortable and Homely, Nice to People.
常盤台 優雅街並み 城北の 田園調布 なりと言わるる
Tokiwadai, With its Elegant City Design, Comparable to Denenchofu, Renowned Garden City, Jonan, South Tokyo.
常盤台 東武鉄道にて 開発し 国がデザイン 優美なる街
Tokiwadai, Elegant Residential Quarters, Developed by Tobu Railway, before the War. Its Renowned Design is the Creation of Ministry of Interior, Japan.
駅前に ゆったり広がる ロータリー 城北一の ときわ台なり
Renowned as Number One in Johoku, Tokyo, is the Elegant and Spacious Rotary in front of Tokwaidai Station, Tobu Tojo Line.
駅前の カフェにたたずむ ひと時に 宝形屋根の 駅舎眺める
Relaxed at the Café, alongside Rotary, Looking at the Traditional Polygonal Roof of Tokiwadai Station.
曲線の 街路デザイン 常盤台 緑つながり 心をいやす
Tokiwadai, with its Curvaceous and Greenery Urban Design, Moistens People’s Hearts.
クルドサック 袋小路と 称される 妙なるスポット 常盤台こそ
Cul-de-sacs, Exquisite Lanes Closed at the End, Are the Features of Tokiwadai.
ロードベイ(入込路) プロムナード(遊歩道)とぞ 融合し 常盤台こそ 示すものなり
Tokiwadai Embraces Roadbay, Semi-Public Open Space, alongside Promenade.
溶け合うは 御影石にて 飾らるる 瀟洒なフラット ヒマラヤ杉と
Harmonized with the Elegant Flat decorated with Mikage, is the Tall Himalayan Cedar at Rotary in front of Tokiwadai Station.
常盤台 3大特徴 曲線美 高道路率 豊かな緑
The Grace of Curvature, The High Road Rate, and The Rich Greenery Are The Three Features of Tokiwadai Residential District.
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