相場格言コラム22 天井三日 底百日 The peak is short, but the bottom is long.

中湖 康太


天井三日 底百日

The peak is short, but the bottom is long.


天井は 短し底は 長いとぞ 覚悟してとぞ 相場にのぞめ

Bear in mind that the peak is short, and the bottom is long, in stock investment.


As indicated, if you perceive the valuations are too rich, it is important to reduce your risk exposure by going to less risky assets, e.g. cash, or switch to cheaper stocks worth long-term holding with stable expected dividends. If you miss the chance to sell, you will perhaps or certainly realize that the bottom is deep and long.

中湖 康太
Kota Nakako

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