シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌32: Tanka for Sonnet 32

中湖 康太

彼らの詩 文体凝らし 飾れども
わが詩はうたう 愛ときを超え 
And though they be outstript by every pen,
Reserve them for my love, not for their rime,
Since he died, and poets better prove,
Theirs for their style I’ll read, his for his love

If thou survive my well-contented day,
When that churl Death my bones with dust shall cover,
And shalt by fortune once more re-survey
These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover:
Compare them with the bettering of the time,
And though they be outstript by every pen,
Reserve them for my love, not for their rime,
Exceeded by the height of happier men.
O, then vouchsafe me but this loving thought:
‘Had my friend’s Muse grown with this growing age,
A dearer birth than this his love had brought,
To march in ranks of better equipage:
But since he died, and poets better prove,
Theirs for their style I’ll read, his for his love.’

If thou survive my well-contented day,
When that churl (粗野な男; 育ちの卑しい人) Death my bones with dust shall cover,
And shalt (=shall; thouが主語の時) by fortune once more re-survey
These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover:
Compare them with the bettering of the time,
And though they be outstript (=outstripped; 追い越す; 勝る) by every pen,
Reserve them for my love, not for their rime (=rhyme; 韻, 押韻, 韻文),
Exceeded by the height of happier men.
O, then vouchsafe (与える, 賜る) me but this loving thought:
‘Had my friend’s Muse (詩神, 芸術を司る女神) grown with this growing age,
A dearer birth than this his love had brought,
To march in ranks of better equipage (従者のついた馬車):
But since he died, and poets better prove,
Theirs for their style I’ll read, his for his love.’


新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

アナリスト出門甚一 ストーリー&エッセイ集: 分析と創造と怠惰の間(ゼネラルCS出版).

パウル・クレーのある部屋: 画家への思いとアートプリント・インテリア(エッセイ集) (GCS出版)

試験に役立つ 経済学短歌: 生活、ビジネス、投資のセンスをみがく (ゼネラルCS出版)

相場格言コラム・株投資短歌 (ジー・シー・エス出版)

英詩のリズムで読む新英訳百人一首 Reading ‘The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets’ in English Verse (ゼネラルCS出版)

短歌のリズムで読むシェイクスピア・ソネット: 14行詩をたった31文字ではやわかり (GCS出版)

常盤台住宅地物語: 優美さの秘密と価値を高めるまちづくり (GCS出版)


財布がふくらむ 利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる発想転換の書 (GCS出版)


酒・金・女etc. 江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka - Parody of Edo: 和英対訳コメント付き in Japanese and English (GCS出版)

古今和歌集 - 紀貫之の仮名序と和歌 Kokin Wakashu - Preface and Waka of Ki noTsurayuki: 和英対訳 Japanese - English Translation (GCS出版)


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