シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌28: Tanka for Sonnet 28

中湖 康太

君への愛 我を悩ます 昼と夜
昼は長くて 夜なお長く
I am debarr’d the benefit of rest?
But day by night, and night by day, opprest? 
And night doth nightly make grief’s strength seem stronger.
How far I toil, still farther off from thee.

How can I, then, return in happy plight,
That am debarr’d the benefit of rest?
When day’s oppression is not eased by night,
But day by night, and night by day, opprest?
And each, though enemies to either’s reign,
Do in consent shake hands to torture me;
The one by toil, the other to complain
How far I toil, still farther off from thee.
I tell the day, to please him thou art bright,
And dost him grace when clouds do blot the heaven:
So flatter I the swart-complexion’d night,
When sparking stars twire not thou gild’st the even.
But day doth daily draw my sorrows longer,
And night doth nightly make grief’s strength seem stronger.

How can I, then, return in happy plight (誓い, 誓約),
That am debarr’d (=debarred; debar 禁ずる,妨げる) the benefit of rest?
When day’s oppression (圧迫, 圧制) is not eased by night,
But day by night, and night by day, opprest (=oppressed; oppress 圧迫する, ふさぎ込ませる)?
And each, though enemies to either’s reign (君臨, 統治, 支配),
Do in consent shake hands to torture me;
The one by toil (骨折り), the other to complain
How far I toil (骨折って進む), still farther off from thee.
I tell the day, to please him thou art bright,
And dost him grace when clouds do blot (汚す, しみをつける) the heaven:
So flatter (お世辞をつかう, おだてる) I the swart-complexion’d (swart 浅黒い, 黒ずんだ; complexion’d=complexioned の顔色をした) night,
When sparking stars twire (のぞく) not thou gild’st (= guild 金めっきする) the even ([詩]夕, 晩).
But day doth (=does) daily draw my sorrows longer,
And night doth nightly make grief’s strength seem stronger.


新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

アナリスト出門甚一 ストーリー&エッセイ集: 分析と創造と怠惰の間(ゼネラルCS出版).

パウル・クレーのある部屋: 画家への思いとアートプリント・インテリア(エッセイ集) (GCS出版)

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