シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌122: Tanka for Sonnet 122

中湖 康太

心にぞ とどめたきみの 思い出は
記録を超えて 永遠(とわ)にいきるぞ
Thy record never can be missed, within my brain,
Full character’d with lasting memory.
Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score,
That poor retention could not so much hold.

Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain
Full character’d with lasting memory,
Which shall above that idle rank remain,
Beyond all date even to eternity:
Or, at the least, so long as brain and heart
Have faculty by nature to subsist;
Till each to razed oblivion yield his part
Of thee, thy record never can be missed.
That poor retention could not so much hold,
Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score;
Therefore to give them from me was I bold,
To trust those tables that receive thee more:
To keep an adjunct to remember thee
Where to import forgetfulness in me.

Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain
Full character’d with lasting memory,
Which shall above that idle rank (階級) remain,
Beyond all date even to eternity:
Or, at the least, so long as brain and heart
Have faculty by nature to subsist;
Till each to razed oblivion yield his part
Of thee, thy record never can be missed.
That poor retention could not so much hold,
Nor need I tallies (tally 計算, 勘定, 記録) thy dear love to score;
Therefore to give them from me was I bold,
To trust those tables (表,目録) that receive thee more:
To keep an adjunct (付加物) to remember thee
Where to import forgetfulness in me.

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