シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌118: Tanka for Sonnet 118

中湖 康太

甘美なる きみとの愛に われ病みて
飲む薬さえ 毒となりしに
Even so, being full of your ne’er-cloying sweetness,
We sicken to shun sickness when we purge;
But thence I learn, and find the lesson true,
Drugs poison him that so fell sick of you

Like as, to make our appetites more keen,
With eager compounds we our palate urge;
As, to prevent our maladies unseen,
We sicken to shun sickness when we purge;
Even so, being full of your ne’er-cloying sweetness,
To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding;
And, sick of welfare, found a kind of meetness
To be diseased, ere that there was true needing.
Thus policy in love, t’anticipate
The ills that were not, grew to faults assured,
And brought to medicine a healthful state,
Which, rank of goodness, would by ill be cured:
But thence I learn, and find the lesson true,
Drugs poison him that so fell sick of you.

Like as, to make our appetites more keen,
With eager compounds (混合物, 結合) we our palate (口蓋, 味覚, 好み) urge;
As, to prevent our maladies unseen,
We sicken to shun (避ける) sickness when we purge (粛清する);
Even so, being full of your ne’er-cloying (cloy うんざりさせる, 飽き飽きさせる) sweetness,
To bitter sauces (味を添えるもの, 刺激) did I frame (組み立てる, つくる) my feeding;
And, sick of welfare, found a kind of meetness (=fitness, suitability; propriety 礼節, 作法, 適否)
To be diseased, ere (=before) that there was true needing.
Thus policy in love, t’anticipate (=to anticipate)
The ills that were not, grew to faults assured,
And brought to medicine a healthful state,
Which, rank of goodness, would by ill be cured:
But thence I learn, and find the lesson true,
Drugs poison him that so fell si

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