シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌11: Tanka for Sonnet 11

中湖 康太

君の美は 分身により 生きのびる
刻印すべし 天の恵みを
As fast as thous shalt wane, so fast thou grow’st
In one of thine, from that which thou departest; 
She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby
Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.

As fast as thous shalt wane, so fast thou grow’st
In one of thine, from that which thou departest;
And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow‘st
Thou mayst call thine when thou from youth convertest.
Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase;
Without this, folly, age, and cold decay:
If all were minded so, the times should cease,
And threescore year would make the world away.
Let those whom nature hath not made for store,
Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish:
Look, whom she best endow’d she gave the more;
Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish:
She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby
Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.

As fast as thous shalt wane (衰える), so fast thou grow’st
In one of thine, from that which thou departest (=depart; 出発する: ‘est’はthouが主語の時の動詞2人称単数現在形);
And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow‘st (=bestow; 捧げる)
Thou (=You) mayst (=may; ‘st’主語がthouの時) call thine (=yours) when thou from youth convertest (転換する).
Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase;
Without this, folly (愚かさ), age, and cold decay:
If all were minded so, the times should cease,
And threescore (60の) year would make the world away.
Let those whom nature hath (have の直説法 3 人称単数現在形) not made for store (蓄え),
Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly (不毛にも) perish:
Look, whom she best endow’d (endow; 授ける) she gave the more;
Which bounteous (寛大な) gift thou shouldst in bounty (寛大) cherish (心に抱く):
She carved thee for her seal (印), and meant thereby

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