シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌101: Tanka for Sonnet 101

中湖 康太

怠惰なる 詩神(ししん)よ記(しる)せ 彼の美を
真実(しんじつ)に筆(ふで) いらぬといわず
O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends
Make answer, Muse: wilt thou not haply say,
‘Truth needs no colour, with his colour fixt;
Beauty no pencil, beauty’s truth to lay;

O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends
For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed?
Both truth and beauty on my love depends;
So dost thou too, and therein dignified.
Make answer, Muse: wilt thou not haply say,
‘Truth needs no colour, with his colour fixt;
Beauty no pencil, beauty’s truth to lay;
But best is best, if never intermixt’?
Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb?
Exuse not silence so: for’t lies in thee
To make him much outlive a gilded tomb,
And to be praised of ages yet to be.
Then do thy office, Muse; I teach thee how
To make him seem long hence as he shows now.

O truant (怠惰な) Muse, what shall be thy amends (修正, 編集)
For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed?
Both truth and beauty on my love depends;
So dost thou too, and therein dignified.
Make answer, Muse: wilt thou not haply (=by accident; 偶然に) say,
‘Truth needs no colour, with his colour fixt (=fixed);
Beauty no pencil, beauty’s truth to lay;
But best is best, if never intermixt (=intermixed; intermix 混合する)’?
Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb?
Exuse not silence so: for’t (=for it) lies in thee
To make him much outlive a gilded tomb,
And to be praised of ages yet to be.
Then do thy office, Muse; I teach thee how
To make him seem long hence as he shows now.

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