短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-5rev Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-5

中湖 康太


短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-5 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-5

ケインズは、前述したように、「使用者費用は、古典派理論で見逃されてきた需要なもの」(User cost has, I think, an importance for the classical theory of value which has been overlooked.)、「現代の理論では短期供給価格は、単に限界要因費用に等しいとするのを慣行としてきた」(Now in the modern theory of value it has been a usual practice to equate the short-period supply price to the marginal cost alone.)として議論を展開します。それは、今日のミクロ理論からしても詳細かつ執拗なものです。非自発的失業が存在する不完全雇用均衡を含めた「一般理論」を展開するためであると言ってよいでしょう。

ある設備 使用者費用は 不使用の 追加的な 期待収益 (決定版)

Now this must be at least equal to the present value of the opportunity to postpone replacement which will result from laying up the equipment; and it may be more.  – most precise!

ケインズの 使用者費用は 不稼働の ケースを含めた 一般理論

企業者は 生産規模の 決定に 使用者費用を 考慮にいれる

In deciding his scale of production an entrepreneur has to exercise a choice between using up his equipment now and preserving it to be used later on.  

現在と 将来結ぶ 企業者の 行動に係る 使用者費用

User cost constitutes one of the links between the present and the future.

設備をば 使い切るのか 使わずか 費用の差額が 使用者費用

We have defined the user cost as the reduction in the value of the equipment due to using it as compared with not using it, after allowing for the cost of the maintenance and improvements which it would be worth while to undertake and for purchases from other entrepreneurs.

設備をば 使い切るのか 使わずか 費用の差額が 使用者費用

It must be arrived at, therefore, by calculating the discounted value of the additional prospective yield which would be obtained at some later date if it were not used now. 

by Kota Nakako 





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