短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-4 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-4

中湖 康太

短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-4 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-4

第6章補論 使用者費用(続き)


長期なる 供給価格(キョウキューカカク)は 主要(シュヨー)費用 補足費用に リスク費と利子 (基本)

Thus the long-period supply price is equal to the sum of the prime cost, the supplementary cost, the risk cost and the interest cost, into which several components it can be analysed.

使用者と 補足費用は 長短の 供給価格 関係明かす

The concept of user cost and of supplementary cost also enables us to establish a clearer relationship between long-period supply price and short-term supply price.

長期なる 主要費用は 設備機器 耐用期間の 平均費用/期待平均

The prime cost is the expected amount appropriately averaged over the life of the equipment.

長期なる 費用は主要と 補足的 費用の期待 金額と知れ

Long-period cost must obviously include an amount to cover the basic supplementary cost as well as the expected prime cost appropriately averaged over the life of the equipment.

長期なる 費用は設備 存続の 主従費用の 期間平均

That is to say, the long-period cost of the output is equal to the expected sum of the prime cost and the supplementary cost;

正常な 利益生むには 長期での 供給価格 リスク費含む

Furthermore, in order to yield a normal profit, the long-period supply price must exceed the long-period cost thus calculated by an amount determined by the current rate of interest on loans of comparable term and risk, reckoned as a percentage of the cost of the equipment. Or, if we prefer to take a standard “pure” rate of interest, we must include in the long-period cost a third term which we might call the risk-cost to cover the unknown possibilities of the actual yield differing from the expected yield. 

限界の 主要費用の 曲線が 不連続なる 時もあるかな

設備機器 生産能力 上限で 供給曲線 不連続がち

The convenient assumption that marginal prime cost curve is continuous throughout its length for changes in output, is often unrealistic, and there may be one or more points of discontinuity, especially when we reach an output corresponding to the technical full capacity of the equipment.

限界の 主要費用が 平均の 費用に等し 損益分岐(ブレークイーブン)

The level of output, at which marginal prime cost is exactly equal to the sum of the average prime and supplementary costs has a special importance, because it is the point at which the entrepreneur’s trading account breaks even.

使用者の 費用は期待 賃金の 水準により 影響される

賃金の 期待水準 要因と 使用者費用に 異なる影響

賃金の 期待水準 有効の 需要水準に 影響与う

Since user cost partly depends on expectations as to the future level of wages, a reduction in the wage-unit which is expected to be short-lived will cause factor cost and user cost to move in different proportions and so affect what equipment is used, and, conceivably, the level of effective demand, since factor cost may enter into the determination of effective demand in a different way from user cost.

全体の 産出量の 水準は 使用者費用に 影響与う

The user cost of equipment which is first brought into use is not necessarily independent of the total volume of output; i.e. the user cost may be affected all along the line when the total volume of output is changed. 

by Kota Nakako



新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

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