短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-1 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-1

中湖 康太

短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-1 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-1

序 Preface

古典派の 経済学の 誤りは 明確性/一般性の 欠如なりけり

古典派の 経済学の 誤りは 論理ではなく 明確性/一般性(セー)の無さ

If at fault is orthodox/the classical economics,
it’s in a lack (of clearness and) of generality in the premises.

今我(ワレ)が 攻撃をする 古典派は 我(ワレ)長年に 説(ト)ける説(セツ)なり

I myself held for many years with conviction,
The theories which I now attack in the pursuit of sharp distinction(s).

新たなる 一般理論は 貨幣こそ 産出高に 作用すること

I have made some progress towards pushing monetary theory
Back to becoming a theory of output as a whole in the general theory.

困難は 新たな思考に 在らずして 古き思考の 脱却にぞある

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones,
Which ramify into every corner of our minds.  

貨幣なる 経済にては 予想こそ 雇用量にぞ 影響与う

将来の 予想の変化 影響す 雇用量にぞ 貨幣経済

A monetary economy, we shall find, is one in which changing views about the future essentially,
Are capable of influencing the quantity of employment and not its direction merely.

我々の 一般理論は 古典派を 特殊なケースと 位置づけるなり

We are thus led to a more general theory,
Which includes as a special case with which we are familiar the classical theory. 

By Kota Nakako

短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-1 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-1 – 株式会社ゼネラル・カラー・サービス 中湖康太 経済文化コラム (general-cs.tokyo)

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