相場格言コラム30 運用成績に関わらず手数料は徴収される Performance comes, performance goes. Fees never falter.

中湖 康太



Performance comes, performance goes. Fees never falter.


投資での 利得を食べる 手数料 投資はネットで するが賢明

Wiser is to invest via internet brokers to reduce commissions which eat away gains.

素人と 言いて運用 丸投げを しないでネットで 投資するよし

Wiser is to invest your money via internet brokers without throwing away decision-makings to professionals.

手数料 払って行う 運用は それに適する 付加価値のゆえ

Suitable are the fees for value-added products and/or services provided.





So says Warrant Buffett. Many others would certainly agree. Regardless of the investment performance, fees are charged. Under current low, zero or negative interest rate environment, if you invest your money in investment trusts of government and/or high credit rating corporate bonds, categorized as safe and stable, your investment returns would necessarily be negative because of the fees. Active investment trusts for equities charge higher fees which tend to eat away investment gains.

Fortunately, with the advent of internet, you can make investments through internet brokers at far lower fees. You should take advange of the progress of Fintech going forward to succeed in the stock market investments.

Important is if suitable products and/or services for the fees are provided.

中湖 康太

Kota Nakako


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