リカード「経済学原理」を歩く-123 生産物への課税-12 正解のない問題

中湖 康太

【コメント】リカードは、「課税は正解のない問題(a choice of evils)」という。つまり、唯一無二の最適解がある問題ではなく、生産活動を妨げることがなく、各階級がおおむね妥当といえる公平公正な方法を見出していく現実的な問題である、ということであろう。そして、「平等とはいえないが富裕者階級が負担せざるを得ず・・」とも述べている。


課税はいかなる形式であっても、正解のない問題(a choice of evils)である。それが利益に課されないのであれば、支出に課される。等しく負担され、再生産を妨げなければ、課税対象がなんであれ違いは生じない。生産、ストックの利益への税金は、直接に利益に課されようが、間接的に土地やその生産物に課されようが、他の税金に比べて、いかなる階級の人もそれを逃れることができないという長所がある。それぞれが、その収入、資力にしたがって貢献するわけである。



(original text)

Taxation under every form presents but a choice of evils; if it does not act on profit, it must act on expenditure; and provided the burden be equally borne, and do not repress reproduction, it is indifferent on which it is laid. Taxes on production, or on the profits of stock, whether applied immediately to profits, or indirectly, by taxing the land or its produce, have this advantage over other taxes; no class of the community can escape them, and each contributes according to his means.

From taxes on expenditure a miser may escape; he may have an income of 10,000 per annum, and expend only 300l.; but from taxes on profits, whether direct or indirect, he cannot escape; he will contribute to them either by giving up a part or the value of a part of his produce; or by the advanced prices of the necessaries essential to production, he will be unable to continue to accumulate at the same rate. He may indeed have an income of the same value, but he will not have the same command of labour, nor of an equal quantity of materials on which such labour can be exercised.

If a country is insulated from all others, having no commerce with any of its neighbours, it can in no way shift any portion of its taxes from itself. A portion of the produce of its land and labour will be devoted to the service of the state; and I cannot but think that, unless it presses unequally on that class which accumulates and saves, it will be of little importance whether the taxes be levied on profits, on agricultural, or on manufactured commodities. If my revenue be 1000l. per annum, and I must pay taxes to the amount of 100l., it is of little importance whether I pay it from my revenue, leaving myself only 900l., or pay 100l. in addition for my agricultural commodities, or for my manufactured goods. If 100l. is my fair proportion of the expenses of the country, the virtue of taxation consists in making sure that I shall pay that 100l., neither more nor less; and that cannot be effected in any manner so securely as by taxes on wages, profits, or raw produce.

Kota Nakako


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