リカード「経済学原理」を歩く-115 生産物への課税-4 利益への影響

中湖 康太



A tax on corn, then, would fall on the consumers of corn, and would raise its value as compared with all other commodities, in a degree proportioned to the tax. In proportion as raw produce entered into the composition of other commodities, would their value also be raised, unless the tax were countervailed by other causes. They would in fact be indirectly taxed, and their value would rise in proportion to the tax.

しかし、生産物、そして労働者の必需品にかかる税金は、もうひとつ別の効果を生み出す。それは賃金を引き上げることだ。人口増加に作用する人口原則により、労働者を扶養するために、自然と習慣が要求する最低限必要な賃金を長く上回ることは決してない。この階級は決して多くの税金を負担することはできない。結果として、小麦にクォ―ター当り追加で8シリング、その他の必需品により小さい比率で支払わなければならないとすると、同じ賃金では、生存、労働者としての種を維持できなくなる。賃金は不可避的に、必然的に、上昇することになる。そしてその上昇比率にしたがって、利益は減少する。政府は、国内で消費される穀物クォ―ター当り8シリングの税を得ることになるが、その1部は穀物の消費者により直接支払われることになり、その他の部分は、労働者の雇用者から間接的に支払われることになる。それは、利益に影響を与える。その影響の仕方は、労働者への需要が供給に比べて増加した場合、または、労働者が必要とする食料、必需品の獲得がより困難(KN注: 食料、必需品価格が上昇)になった場合と同様である。

A tax, however, on raw produce, and on the necessaries of the labourer, would have another effect—it would raise wages. From the effect of the principle of population on the increase of mankind, wages of the lowest kind never continue much above that rate which nature and habit demand for the support of the labourers. This class is never able to bear any considerable portion of taxation; and, consequently, if they had to pay 8s. per quarter in addition for wheat, and in some smaller proportion for other necessaries, they would not be able to subsist on the same wages as before, and to keep up the race of labourers. Wages would inevitably and necessarily rise; and in proportion as they rose, profits would fall. Government would receive a tax of 8s. per quarter on all the corn consumed in the country, a part of which would be paid directly by the consumers of corn; the other part would be paid indirectly by those who employed labour, and would affect profits in the same manner as if wages had been raised from the increased demand for labour compared with the supply, or from an increasing difficulty of obtaining the food and necessaries required by the labourer.

Kota Nakako

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