リカード「経済学原理」を歩く-106 税金-1

中湖 康太

第8章 税金

【コメント】リカードが、マクロ経済をISバランスでとらえていることを示している。リカードは税金の説明に先立ち、資本がその耐久性の違いによって固定、流動に分類されること、また、1国の年間の生産が消費より大きいとき資本は増加し、小さいときは資本は減少するときりだす。これは、ISバランスの概念だ。つまり、Y=C+I (Y:国民所得;分配、C:消費、I:投資) -> Y-C=S=I (S:貯蓄); ここで国民所得の均衡における三面等価を考えれば、Y=YS(総供給;生産)=YD(総需要;支出)である。したがって、YS>Cならば投資Iはプラスになり(資本は増加)、YS<Cならば投資Iはマイナス(資本は減少)することになる。


(original text)
TAXES are a portion of the produce of the land and labour of a country, placed at the disposal of the government; and are always ultimately paid, either from the capital, or from the revenue of the country.


We have already shewn how the capital of a country is either fixed or circulating, according as it is of a more or of a less durable nature. It is difficult to define strictly, where the distinction between circulating and fixed capital begins; for there are almost infinite degrees in the durability of capital. The food of a country is consumed and reproduced, at least once in every year; the clothing of the labourer is probably not consumed and reproduced in less than two years; whilst his house and furniture are calculated to endure for a period of ten or twenty years.


When the annual productions of a country exceed its annual consumption, it is said to increase its capital; when its annual consumption at least is not replaced by its annual production, it is said to diminish its capital. Capital may therefore be increased by an increased production, or by a diminished consumption.

Kota Nakako


新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

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