Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (9) – 価値 8

中湖 康太

 陰鬱な科学(dismal science) 

リカードに象徴される古典派経済学は、当時「陰鬱な科学」(dismal science)と呼ばれることになったが、こういったリカードの叙述も、その理由の1つといってよい。そもそも、生産性の向上は、人々の創意工夫ではなく、単に競争によって強いられるだけであって、商品の価値を下げ、人々の豊かさの向上には繋がらない。

その根底にあるのは、「賃金鉄則」(‘Iron Law of Wages’)である。古典派経済学においては、賃金の上昇は、人口増をもたらし、結局、賃金は生存可能最低水準に下落し、均衡する。生産性の向上は、競争によってもたらせるのであるが、それは、結局のところ、生活水準の上昇には結びつかない、ということになる。現代においては、技術革新、イノベーションによる新商品の開発、効率性の向上は、生産性を向上せしめ、したがって、賃金を上昇せしめ、人的、知的資本を蓄積せしめ、より豊かな生活に繋がる、と筆者は考える。 



If we suppose the occupations of the society extended, that some provide canoes and tackle necessary for fishing, others the seed and rude machinery first used in agriculture, still the same principle would hold true, that the exchangeable value of the commodities produced would be in proportion the labor bestowed on their production; not on their immediate production; not on their immediate production only, but on all those implements or machines required to give effect to the particular labor to which they were applied.



If we look to a state of society in which greater improvements have been made, and in which arts and commerce flourish, we shall still find that commodities vary in value conformably with this principle: in estimating the exchangeable value of stockings, for example, we shall find that their value, comparatively with other things, depends on the total quantity of labor necessary to manufacture them and bring them to market. First, there is the labor necessary to cultivate land on which the raw cotton is grown; secondly, the labor of conveying the cotton to the country where the stockings are to be manufactured, which includes a portion of the labor bestowed in building the ship in which it is conveyed, and which is charged in the freight of the goods; thirdly, the labor of the spinner and weaver; fourthly, a portion of the labor of the engineer, smith, and carpenter, who erected the buildings and machinery, by the help of which they are made, fifthly, the labor of the retail dealer, and of many others, whom it is unnecessary further to particularize. The aggregate sum of these various kinds of labor determines the quantity of other things for which these stockings will exchange, while the same consideration of the various quantities of labor which have been bestowed on those other things will equally govern the portion of them which will be given for the stockings. 



To convince ourselves that this is the real foundation of exchangeable value, let us suppose any improvement to be made in the means of abridging labor in any one of the various processes through which the raw cotton must pass before the manufactured stockings come to the market to be exchanged for other things and observe the effects which will follow. If fewer men were required to cultivate the raw cotton, or if fewer sailors were employed in navigating, or ship wrights in constructing the ship, in which it was conveyed to us; if fewer hands were employed in raising the buildings and machinery, or if these, when raised, were rendered more efficient, the stockings would inevitably fall in value, and consequently command less of other things. They would fall, because a less quantity of labor was necessary to their production, and would therefore exchange for a smaller quantity of those things in which no such abridgment of labor had been made.



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