Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (7) – 価値 6

中湖 康太


Section II 

Labor of different qualities differently rewarded. This no cause of variation in the relative value of commodities.

In speaking, however, of labor, as being the foundation of all value, and the relative quantity of labor as almost exclusively determining the relative value of commodities, I must not be supposed to be inattentive to the different qualities of labor, and the difficulty of comparing an hour’s or a day’s labor in one employment with the same duration of labor in another. The estimation in which different qualities of labor are held comes soon to be adjusted in the market with sufficient precision for all practical purposes, and depends much on the comparative skill of the laborer and intensity of the labor performed. The scale, when once formed, is liable to little variation. If a day’s labor of a working jeweler be more valuable than a day’s labor of a common laborer, it has long ago been adjusted and placed in its proper position in the scale of value.



In comparing, therefore, the value of the same commodity at different periods of time, the consideration of the comparative skill and intensity of labor required for that particular commodity needs scarcely to be attended to, as it operates equally at both periods. One description of labor at one time is compared with the same description of labor at another; if a tenth, a fifth, or a fourth has been added or taken away, an effect proportioned to the cause will be produced on the relative value of the commodity.

If a piece of cloth be now of the value of two pieces of line, and if, in ten years hence, the ordinary value of a piece of cloth should be four pieces of line, we may safely conclude that either more labor is required to make the cloth, or less to make the linen, or that both causes have operated.



As the inquiry to which I wish to draw the reader’s attention relates to the effect of the variations in the relative value of commodities, and not in their absolute value, it will be of little importance to examine into the comparative degree of estimation in which the different kinds of human labor are held. We may fairly conclude that whatever inequality there might originally have been in them, whatever inequality there might originally have been in them, whatever the ingenuity, skill, or time necessary for the acquirement of one species of manual dexterity more than another, it continues nearly the same from one generation to another; or at least that the variation is very inconsiderable from year to year, and therefore can have little effect, for short periods, on the relative value of commodities.

アダム・スミスの見解: 新古典派成長理論の萌芽


“The proportion between the different rates both of wages and profit in the different employments of labor and stock seems not to be much affected, as has already been observed, by the riches of poverty, the advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society. Such revolutions in the public welfare, though they affect the general rates of both wages and profit, must in the end affect them equally in all different employments. The proportion between them therefore must remain the same, and cannot well be altered, at least for any considerable time, by any such revolutions.”(Wealth of Nations, book I, chap. 10)




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