リカード「経済学原理」を歩く-69 利益-8

中湖 康太



利益に対する影響は、労働賃金の支出の対象である食物を除く生活必需品価格の上昇した場合も、同様であるということができる。労働者は、必需品価格が上昇すれば、より多くの賃金を要求せざるを得ない。賃金が上昇すれば利益は減ることになる。労働者が必要としない絹、ビロード、家具といったその他の商品の価格が、より多くの労働がそれらの生産に費やされた結果として上昇したとすると、それは利益に影響を与えるであろうか? 影響は与えないであろう。というのは賃金の上昇がなければ利益に影響を与えるということはないからだ。絹やビロードは労働者によって消費されない。したがって、賃金を上昇させることはない。

(original text)
It may be said that I have taken it for granted, that money wages would rise with a rise in the price of raw produce, but that this is by no means a necessary consequence, as the labourer may be contented with fewer enjoyments. It is true that the wages of labour may previously have been at a high level, and that they may bear some reduction. If so, the fall of profits will be checked; but it is impossible to conceive that the money price of wages should fall, or remain stationary with a gradually increasing price of necessaries; and therefore it may be taken for granted that, under ordinary circumstances, no permanent rise takes place in the price of necessaries, without occasioning, or having been preceded by a rise in wages.

The effects produced on profits, would have been the same, or nearly the same, if there had been any rise in the price of those other necessaries, besides food, on which the wages of labour are expended. The necessity which the labourer would be under of paying an increased price for such necessaries, would oblige him to demand more wages; and whatever increases wages, necessarily reduces profits. But suppose the price of silks, velvets, furniture, and any other commodities, not required by the labourer, to rise in consequence of more labour being expended on them, would not that affect profits? certainly not: for nothing can affect profits but a rise in wages; silks and velvets are not consumed by the labourer, and therefore cannot raise wages.

Kota Nakako


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