リカード「経済学原理」を歩く-64 利益-3

中湖 康太




まず第一に、穀物の価格は、より劣等な土地での耕作の困難さに伴ってのみ上昇する。すでに述べたように、もし労働者10人が、ある等級の土地で180クウォーターの小麦を収穫し、その価格がクウォーター当り4ポンドだとしたら、720ポンドを得る。もし、10人の追加的な労働者が同じ、または別の土地で、追加的に170クウォーターを生産したとしたら、小麦は4ポンドから4ポンド4シリング8ペンスに上昇するだろう。つまり、170:180は、4ポンド:4ポンド4シリング8ペンスだからである。(KN注:1ポンド=20シリング=240ペンス)。 いいかえれば、170クウォーターの生産に、一方では10人の労働者が必要になるが、他方では9.44人の労働者でよいので、上昇は9.44:10、つまり4ポンド:4ポンド4シリング8ペンスになる。同様に、もし10人の追加的な労働が160クウォーターしか生産できないとしたら、価格はさらに4ポンド10シリングに上昇するだろう。もし150クウォーターなら価格は4ポンド16シリングに上昇する等々。



It may be said for example, that when corn rose from 4l. to 10l., the 180 quarters obtained from the best land would sell for 1800l. instead of 720l.; and therefore, though the landlord and labourer be proved to have a greater value for rent and wages, still the value of the farmer’s profit might also be augmented. This however is impossible, as I shall now endeavour to shew.

In the first place, the price of corn would rise only in proportion to the increased difficulty of growing it on land of a worse quality. It has been already remarked, that if the labour of ten men will, on land of a certain quality, obtain 180 quarters of wheat, and its value be 4l. per quarter, or 720l.; and if the labour of ten additional men, will on the same or any other land, produce only 170 quarters in addition, wheat would rise from 4l. to 4l. 4s. 8d.; for 170: 180:: 4l.: 4l. 4s. 8d. In other words, as for the production of 170 quarters, the labour of ten men is necessary, in the one case, and only that of 9.44 in the other, the rise would be as 9.44 to 10, or as 4l. to 4l. 4s. 8d. In the same manner it might be shewn, that if the labour of ten additional men would only produce 160 quarters, the price would further rise to 4l. 10s.; if 150, to 4l. 16s., &c. &c.

But when 180 quarters were produced on the land paying no rent, and its price was 4l. per quarter, it sold for £720. And when 170 quarters were produced on the land paying no rent, and the price rose to 4l. 4s. 8d. it still sold for 720. So, 160 quarters at 4l. 10s. produce 720. And 150 quarters at 4l. 16s. produce the same sum of 720.

Now it is evident, that if out of these equal values, the farmer is at one time obliged to pay wages regulated by the price of wheat at 4l., and at other times at higher prices, the rate of his profits will diminish in proportion to the rise in the price of corn.

Kota Nakako



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