Notes on Ricardo’s Principles 59 Wages 12 賃金

中湖 康太

マルサスが明らかにした救貧法の有害性: リカードの称賛 – マルサス「人口論」は経済学史上画期的な労働供給論



(訳) この有害な法律の性向は、もはや謎ではない。それはマルサス氏の優れた手腕によって明らかにされたからである。貧困層に同情をよせる人々は、実は切にその廃止を願うべきなのである。不幸なことに、この法制は長年にわたって布かれたため、貧困層の習慣は、その制度のもとに形成されている。それを安全に政治制度から撲滅するためには、慎重で、熟練した扱いを必要とする。この法律の廃止に賛成する人々の間では合意されていることがある。それは、この法律が間違って制定されたとしても、恩恵を得た人々には大いなる苦痛を伴うということである。その苦痛を和らげることが望ましいとしたら、その廃止は、非常に段階的に行われる必要がある。


[16] このことについての1796年の下院で議論が行われている。救貧法についての最近の委員会報告とその年のピット氏の次のような所感と対比できる。
「多くの子供達に不名誉や蔑視ではなく、権利や名誉を、大家族にのろいではなく恵みをあたえるほっとする状況がある。これは、労働によって家族を食べさせることができる者たちと、たくさんの子供により国を豊かにした後、扶養と援助を求める者たちの間を明確に区別するものである。」(ハンサード「議会史」32巻, p.710)

This pernicious tendency of these laws is no longer a mystery, since it has been fully developed by the able hand of Mr. Malthus; and every friend to the poor must ardently wish for their abolition. Unfortunately, however, they have been so long established, and the habits of the poor have been so formed upon their operation, that to eradicate them with safety from our political system, requires the most cautious and skilful management. It is agreed by all who are most friendly to a repeal of these laws, that if it be desirable to prevent the most overwhelming distress to those for whose benefit they were erroneously enacted, their abolition should be effected by the most gradual steps.

It is a truth which admits not a doubt, that the comforts and well-being of the poor cannot be permanently secured without some regard on their part, or some effort on the part of the legislature, to regulate the increase of their numbers, and to render less frequent among them early and improvident marriages. The operation of the system of poor laws has been directly contrary to this. They have rendered restraint superfluous, and have invited imprudence, by offering it a portion of the wages of prudence and industry. [16*]

[16] The progress of knowledge manifested upon this subject in the House of Commons since 1796, has happily not been very small, as may be seen by contrasting the late report of the committee on the poor laws, and the following sentiments of Mr. Pitt, in that year.

“Let us,” said he, “make relief in cases where there are a number of children a matter or right and honour, instead of a ground of opprobrium and contempt. This will make a large family a blessing, and not a curse; and this will draw a proper line of distinction between those who are able to provide for themselves by their labour, and those who after having enriched their country with a number of children, have a claim upon the assistance for support.”—
Hansard’s Parliamentary History, vol. 32, page 710.

Kota Nakako


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