Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (6) – 価値 5

中湖 康太

労働と商品の相対価値: リカードにしては・・・

リカードは、以下、労働と他の商品との相対価値の変化について議論を展開する。リカードにしては、「価値」の定義が曖昧であり、「労働生産性の上昇により労働の価値が減少する」という趣旨の意味が下記のパラグラフの範囲においては不明である。また、ここでの議論では、「賃金鉄則」が触れられていない。労働の価値が実質賃金であり、実質賃金が生存可能最低賃金(subsistent wage)であるとすれば、労働の価値は不変であり、労働を基礎に相対価値を議論すべきであろう。この点についてはスミスに分がありそうである。ただ、スミスも労働と穀物のダブル・スタンダードである。また、(実質)賃金について(ケインズのいう)古典派の公準に添った概念もうかがえない。すくなくともこれらのパラグラフでは・・・


If I found that an ounce of gold would exchange for a less quantity of all the commodities above enumerated and many others; and if, moreover, I found that by the discovery of a new and more fertile mine, or by the employment of machinery to great advantage, a given quantity of gold could be obtained with a less quantity of labor, I should be justified in saying that the cause of the alteration in the value of gold relatively to other commodities was the greater facility of its production, or the smaller quantity of labor necessary to obtain it.



In like manner, if labor fell very considerably in value, relatively to all other things, and if I found that its fall was in consequence of an abundant supply, encouraged by the great facility with which corn, and the other necessaries of the laborer, were produced, it would, I apprehend, be correct for me to say that corn and necessaries had fallen in value in consequence of less quantity of labor being necessary to produce them, and that this facility of providing for the support of the laborer had been followed by a fall in the value of labor. 



No, say Adam Smith and Mr. Malthus, in the case of the gold you were correct in calling its variation a fall of its value, because corn and labor had not then varied; and as gold would command a less quantity of them, as well as of all other things, than before, it was correct to say that all things had remained stationary and that gold only had varied; but when corn and labor fall, things which we have selected to be our standard measure of value, notwithstanding all the variations to which we acknowledge they are subject, it would be highly improper to say so; the correct language will be to say that corn and labor have remained stationary, and all other things have risen in value.



Now it is against this language that I protest. I find that precisely, as in the case of the gold, the cause of the variation between corn and other things is the smaller quantity of labor necessary to produce it, and therefore, by all just reasoning, I am bound to call the variation of corn and labor a fall in their value, and not a rise in the value of things with which they are compared. If I have to hire a laborer for a week, and instead of ten shillings I pay him eight, no variation having taken place in the value of money, the laborer can probably obtain more food and necessaries with his eight shillings than he before obtained for ten: but this is owing, not a rise in the real value of his wages, as stated by Adam Smith, and more recently by Mr. Malthus, but to a fall in the value of the things on which his wages are expended, things perfectly distinct; and yet for calling this a fall in the real value of wages, I am told that I adopt new and unusual language, not reconcilable with true principles of the science. To me it appears that the unusual and, indeed, inconsistent language is that used by my opponents. 



Suppose a laborer to be paid a bushel of corn for a week’s work when the price of corn is 80s. per quarter, and that he is paid a bushel and a quarter when the price falls to 40s. Suppose, too, that he consumes half a bushel of corn a week in his own family, and exchanges the remainder for other things, such as fuel, soap, candles, tea, sugar, salt, etc. etc.; if the three-fourths of a bushel which will remain to him, in one case, cannot procure him as much of the above commodities as half a bushel did in the other, which it will not, will labor have risen or fallen in value? Risen, Adam Smith must say, because his standard is corn, and the laborer receives more corn for a week’s labor. Fallen, must the same Adam Smith must say, “because the value of a thing depends on the power of purchasing other goods which the possession of that object conveys,” and labor has a less power of purchasing such other goods. 




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