Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (5) – 価値 4

中湖 康太


If the shoes and clothing of the laborer could, by improvements in machinery, be produced by one-fourth of the labor now necessary to their production, they would probably fall 75 percent; but so far is it from being true that the laborer would thereby be enabled permanently to consume four coats, or four pair of shoes, instead of one, that it is probable is wages would in no long time be adjusted by the effects competition, and the stimulus to the population, to the new value of the necessaries on which they were expended. If these improvements extended to all the objects of the laborer’s consumption, we should find him probably, at the end of a very few years, in possession of only a small, if any, addition to his enjoyments, although the exchangeable value of those commodities, compared with any other commodity, in the manufacture of which no such improvement were made, had sustained a very considerable reduction; and though they were the produce of a very considerably diminished quantity of labor.


「機械の改良による生産性の向上により、靴やコートがこれまでの4分の1の労働で生産で生産されるようになれば、それらの靴やコートの価値は75%下落するだろう。しかし、労働者は、同一の賃金で長期間にわたって、4つの靴、4つのコートを買うことはできない。それは、競争の作用、そして賃金の上昇(による購買力の上昇; KN注)が人口増を引き起こすからである。」(機械の改良による生産性の向上->賃金の上昇->人口増->賃金はもとの水準(=生存可能水準)への下落) つまり、リカードは、労働の限界生産力=(生存可能水準)賃金、ということをいっていることになる。但し、リカードの時代には限界価値概念は、明示的(explicit)な形では経済学に登場しておらず、リカードは暗示的(implicit)にこのことを言っているといってよい。また、リカードは均衡賃金の決定にあたり、生産要素間の限界生産力均等の法則でなく、賃金鉄則(生存可能水準に賃金は決定される)によっている、ということは指摘しておかなければならないだろう。 


It cannot then be correct to say with Adam Smith, “that as labor may sometimes ‘purchase’ a greater and sometimes a smaller quantity of goods, it is their value which varies not that of the labor which purchases them;” and therefore, “that labor, ‘alone never varying in its own value’, is alone the ultimate and real standard by which the value of all commodities can at all times and places be estimated and compared;” – but it is correct to say, as Adam Smith had previously said, “that the proportion between the quantities of labor necessary for acquiring different objects seems to be the only circumstance which can afford any rule for exchanging them for one another;” or in other words that it is the comparative quantity of commodities which labor will produce that determines their present or past relative value, and not the comparative quantities of commodities which are given to the laborer in exchange for his labor.



Two commodities vary in relative value, and we wish to know in which the variation has really taken place. If we compare the present value of one with shoes, stockings, hats, iron, sugar, and all other commodities, we find that it will exchange for precisely the same quantity of all these things as before. If we compare the other with the same commodities, we find it has varied with respect to them all: we may then with great probability infer that the variation has been in this commodity, and not in the commodities with which we have compared it. If on examining still more particularly into all the circumstances connected with the production of these various commodities, we find that precisely the same quantity of labor and capital are necessary to the production of the shoes, stockings, hats, iron, sugar, etc., but that the same quantity as before is not necessary to produce the single commodity whose relative value is altered, probability is changed into certainty, and we are sure that the variation is in the single commodity: we then discover also the cause of its variation.




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