Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (43) – 鉱山の地代 2

中湖 康太


リカードは、ここで価値の基準としての基金属について述べる。貴金属の価値も他の商品同様、本質的には価値の変動を受けるとしている。但し、後述では、(アメリカの発見、そしてその豊富な鉱山の発見により、明らかにその変化は変化を受けているとしても)他の商品に比べて相対的に小さいとし、従って、価値の基準として適当であると、結論している。ここで、筆者はむしろ冒頭の、本質的には、その価値は変動している、と述べているリカードの主張を重視すべきと考える。筆者は、金、銀は、価値の基準としては「野蛮な遺物」(“barbaric relic”)であるとするケインズの見方が、今日においてより適切であるという立場をとりたい。リカードもまた、本質において金、銀の価値は変動する、としている点がリカードの本質的な主張であると考える。しかし、だとしても、他の商品に比べればその変動は相対的に小さく、従って価値の基準として、その媒介としての価値に変化は無い、と仮定しよう、という立場をとっているのである。それは、リカードが生きた時代の経済状況、経済の発展段階を反映しているといえる。本質を論じるリカードと、現実に応じた判断をするリカードの2つ顔があるといえる。


Like every other commodity, the value of the metals is subject to variation. Improvements may be made in the implements and machinery used in mining, which may considerably abridge labor; new and more producitve mines may be discovered, in which, with same labor, more metal may be obtained; or the facilities of bringing it to market may be increased. In either of these cases the metals would fall in value, and would therefore exchange for a less quantity of other things. On the other hand, from the increasing difficulty of obtaining the metal, occasioned by the greater depth at which the mine must be worked, and the accumulation of water, or any other contingency, its value compared with that of other things might be considerably increased.


It has therefore been justly observed that however honestly the coin of a country may conform to its standard, money made of gold and silver is still liable to fluctuations in value, not only to accidental and temporary, but to permanent and natural variations, in the same manner as other commodities.




By the discovery of America, and the rich mines in which it abounds, a very great effect was produced on the natural price of the precious metals. This effect is by many supposed not yet to have terminated. It is probable, however, that all the effects on the value of the metals resulting from the discovery of America have long ceased; and if any fall has of late years taken place in their value, it is to be attributed to improvements in the mode of working of working the mines.

本質論と現実論; リカードの2つの顔



From whatever cause it may have proceeded, the effect has been so slow and gradual that little practical inconvenience has been felt from gold and silver being the general medium in which the value of all other things is estimated. Though undoubtedly a variable measure of value, there is probably no commodity subject to fewer variations. This and the other advantages which these metals possess, such as their hardness, their malleability, their divisibility, and many more, have justly secured the preference everywhere given to them as a standard for the money of civilized countries.


If equal quantities of labor, with equal quantities of fixed capital, could at all times obtain from that mine which paid no rent equal quantities of gold, gold would be as nearly an invariable measure of value as we could in the nature of things possess. The quantity indeed would enlarge with the demand, but its value would be invariable, and it would be eminently well calculated to measure the varying value of all other things. I have already in a former part of this work considered gold as endowed with this uniformity, and in the following chapter I shall continue the supposition. In speaking therefore of varying price, the variation will be always considered as being in the commodity, and never in the medium in which it is estimated.


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