Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (24) – 価値 23

中湖 康太

アダム・スミスの労働価値説に対する批判: リカードの先進性



「アダム・スミスとその後継者たちは皆、賃金の上昇は、例外無く、商品の価格の高騰に繋がるとする。しかし、前述したように、このような正しくない。成立するのは、価格の基準となる媒介(ここでは金; KN注)よりも、(その生産に係る; KN注) 固定資本の比率が低い商品についてだけであり、その比率がより高い商品の価格は下がるのである。逆に、賃金が減少すれば、より固定資本の比率が低い商品の価格が、下がることになる。固定資本の比率がより高い商品の価格は高くなるのである。」

To facilitate, then, the object of this inquiry, although I fully allow that money made of gold is subject to most of the variations of other things, I shall suppose it to be invariable, and therefore all alterations in price to be occasioned by some alteration in the value of the commodity of which I may be speaking.

Before, I quit this subject, it may proper to observe that Adam Smith, and all the writers who have followed him, have, without one exception that I know of, maintained that a rise in the price of labor would be uniformly followed by a rise in the price of commodities. I hope I have succeeded in showing that there are no grounds for such an opinion, and that only those commodities would rise which had less fixed capital employed upon them than the medium in which price was estimated, and that all those which had more would positively fall in price when wages rose. On the contrary, if wages fell, those commodities only would fall which had a less proportion of fixed capital employed on them than the medium in which price was estimated; all those which had more would positively rise in price.




It is necessary for me also to remark that I have not said, because one commodity has so much labor bestowed upon it as will cost £1000, and another so much as will cost £2000, that therefore one would be of the value of £1000, and the other of the value of £2000; but I have said that their value will be to each other as two to one, and that in those proportions they will be exchanged. It is of no importance to the truth of this doctrine whether one of the commodities sells for £1100 and the other for £2200, or one for £1500 and the other for £3000; and into that question I do not at present inquire; I affirm only that their relative values will be governed by the relative quantities of labor bestowed on their production.



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