Notes on Ricardo’s Principles (14) – 価値 13

中湖 康太







During the second year they well all have employed the same quantity of labor, but the foods and machine together of the clothier, and also of the cotton manufacturer, will be the result of the labor of two hundred men employed for a year; or, rather, of the labor of one hundred men for two years; whereas the corn will be produced by the labor of one hundred men for one year, consequently if the corn be of the value of £500, the machines and cloth of the clothier together ought to be of the value of £1000, and the machine and cotton goods of the cotton manufacturer ought to be also of twice the value of the corn. But they will be of more than twice the value of the corn, for the profit on the clothier’s and cotton manufacturer’s capital for the first year has been added to their capitals, while that of the the farmer has been expended and enjoyed.

Suppose two men employ one hundred men each for a year in the construction of two machines, and another man employs the same number of men in cultivating corn, each of the machines at the end of the year will be of the same value as the corn, for they will each be produced by the same quantity of labor. Suppose one of the owners of one of the machines employ it, with the assistance of one hundred men, the following year in making cloth, and the owner of the other machine to employ his also with the assistance likewise of one hundred men, in making cotton goods, while the former continues to employ one hundred men as before in the cultivation of corn.



On account then of the different degrees of durability of their capitals, or, which is the same thing, on account of the time which must elapse before one set of commodities can be brought to market, they will be valuable, not exactly in proportion to the quantity of labor bestowed on them – they will not be as two to one, but something more, to compensate for the greater length of time which must elapse before the most valuable can be brought to market.




ここで、製造業者の製品が、2年目で6050ボンドで売られる、というのは、5000 x ( 1 + 0.1 )2 = 5000 x 1.21 = 6050 である。つまり、1年目の利益が資本に再投資されていることを意味する。

Suppose that for the labor of each workman £50 per annum were paid, or that £5000 capital were employed and profits were 10 percent, the value of each of the machines as well as of the corn, at the end of the first year, would be £5500. The second year the manufacturers and farmers will again employ £5000 each in the support of labor, and will therefore again sell their goods for £5500; but the men using the machines to be on a par with the farmer, must not only obtain £5500, which they have invested in machinery, and consequently their goods must sell for £6050. Here, then, are capitalists employing precisely the same quantity of labor annually on the production of their commodities, and yet the goods they produced differ in value on account of the different quantities of fixed capital, or accumulated labor, employed by each respectively. The cloth and cotton goods are of the same value, because they are the produce of equal quantities of labor and equal quantities of fixed capital: but corn is not of the same value as these commodities, because it is produced, as far as regards fixed capital, under different circumstances.



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