新コロナ禍: 需要喚起必須 Demand stimulus essential
新コロナ 自粛要請 よけれども 併せて必須な 需要の喚起
Essential is to stimulate demand, along with the restrictions on business and personal activities in Covid-19 crisis situation.
東京都 自粛のみでは 片手落ち 需要の喚起 無くば沈没
Yes, Metropolitan Governor, the restrictions are fine; yet without demand, the economy, let alone individual lives, will sink deep in the water.
金融の 流動性の 供給も 需要無ければ 急場のしのぎ
Monetary easing is essential, yet, nothing more than emergency measure without demand recovery.
中湖 康太
Kota Nakako