相場格言コラム14 逆日歩に買いなし・逆日歩に売りなし Margin selling

中湖 康太



There are few buyers when margin sellers are paying premiums.

There are few sellers when margin sellers are paying premiums.


株高で 空売りするも 逆日歩で 追証くらい 踏み上げ地獄

What a hell it is to pay premiums on short selling, get margin calls and suffer short squeezes, pushing up the stock price higher. 





In margin transaction, usually buyers pay, and sellers receive interest. However, if margin selling balance is higher than margin buying (debt) balance, the sellers must pay interest. This is what is called negative interest, premium, or backwardation. If the share price moves higher, the sellers will get margin calls, as the unrealized loss of the sellers will become larger. The sellers are forced to settle the position, buying up the stock prices even higher, and to fall into the triple woes.

Of course, negative interest in short selling should not necessarily lead to short squeezes. Yet, you should be aware of the potential risk involved.

The difficulty of short selling is that even if the share price looks expensive, the timing of the price adjustment or revision cannot be predicted.

中湖 康太
Kota Nakako

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