相場格言コラム6 売り買い休みの三筋道 It is a good idea to keep distance from the market.

中湖 康太



It is a good idea to keep distance from the market, refraining from buying and selling stocks, from time to time.


売り買いを しばし休むは 時に良い 相場を見ずに 心を澄ます

Dare not to look at the market and refrain from buying and selling stocks, keeping distance from the market. And you can clear you mind and refresh your market view.


Sometimes, your investment performance may deteriorate despite the fact you are deeply absorbed in the market. Such times, it is a good idea to stop buying and selling stocks, and rather not to look at the market. Then you can clarify your mind and refresh your market view.

中湖 康太
Kota Nakako

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