21. いまこむと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月 待ち出(い)でつるかな – 素性法師 While I was waiting for him to come As he said he would immediately, To see the moon of Ariake rise I have come During the long night of September earnestly Seen beautifully but lamentably. By Sosei Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太


いまこむと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月 待ち出(い)でつるかな – 素性法師

While I was waiting for him to come As he said he would immediately, To see the moon of Ariake rise I have come During the long night of September earnestly Seen beautifully but lamentably.

By Sosei Hoshi

Translated by Kota Nakako

いまこむと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月 待ち出(い)でつるかな – 素性法師 While I was waiting for her to come As she said she would immediately, To see the moon of Ariake rise I have come During the long night of September earnestly Only because she said she would do so expressively. By Sosei Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako

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