14. 陸奥(みちのく)の しのぶぢずり 誰ゆゑ(え)に 乱れそめし われならなくに 源融(みなもとのとおる) Like disturbed pattern of Shinobu-jizuri in the Mutsu province Japan, northern part of, My mind is disturbed since By nobody other than you for all once By Toru Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太

陸奥(みちのく)の しのぶぢずり 誰ゆゑ(え)に 乱れそめし われならなくに 源融(みなもとのとおる) Like disturbed pattern of Shinobu-jizuri in the Mutsu province Japan, northern part of, My mind is disturbed since By nobody other than you for all once By Toru Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

陸奥(みちのく)の しのぶぢずり 誰ゆゑ(え)に 乱れそめし われならなくに 源融(みなもとのとおる) Like disturbed pattern of Shinobu-jizuri in the Mutsu province Japan, northern part of, My mind is disturbed since By nobody other than you for all once By Toru Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

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