相場格言コラム2 当たり屋につけ Follow the successful investor.

中湖 康太

(相場格言コラム 2)


Follow the successful investor.

Follow the lucky person.


Ride together with the successful investor.


当たり屋に つくというとき こころせよ 投資責任 あくまで自分

The responsibilities are all yours when you follow the successful investor.

こころせよ 今日の当たり屋 明日(あした)には 期待外れの 曲がり屋になり 

Beware lucky person today may be unlucky person tomorrow.







In stock investment, there are three key factors: 1) stock selection, 2) stock valuation, and 3) investment timing.
For ordinary people, it is perhaps difficult to do them by themselves. Then, the phrase ” Follow the successful investor” comes up.

Yet, it will be practically difficult to follow him perfectly. Furthermore, it is notable that even if you rely on professional asset managers, the outcomes are not necessarily profitable. You may know it based on your experience. There is a good reason for it. Any good investor cannot get gains from each individual investment.

I compare it to baseball’s “.300 hitter”. However excellent you are, your batting average in practice cannot be 100%. If your average is .300, you are at the top levels. Of course, in investment, .300 winning percentage is far from enough. Yet, if it is .600, you will be a superb investor. I call it the principle of “.300 is to baseball what .600 is to investment.”

If you are to follow the successful investor, you need to know it.

中湖 康太
Kota Nakako

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