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英訳百人一首11 わたの原: The One Hundred Waka Anthology-11 Watanohara

わたの原八十島(やそしま)かけて漕ぎ出でぬと人には告げよあまの釣舟 Oh, sea boat fishermen! Please in the capital convey To the men and women He paddled out to the sea his way Aiming for the islands away. https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-one-hundred-tanka-anthology-11-watanohara/...
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百人一首英訳12 One Hundred Waka Anthology 12

天つ風雲の通ひ路吹きとぢよ をとめの姿しばしとどめむ・・・Please shut the cloud pathway Through which plentiful Winds blow away To stare at the heavenly angels beautiful On the earth for a while mindful. https://www.general-cs.tokyo/one-hundred-tanka-anthology-12/  ...
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新英訳・百人一首-9 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 9 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-9 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 9 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-9-new-english-translation/  ...
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新英訳・百人一首-8 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 8 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-8 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 8 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-8-new-english-translation/...
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新英訳・百人一首-7 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 7 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-7 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 7 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-7-new-english-translation/...
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新英訳・百人一首-6 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 6 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-6 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 6 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-6-new-english-translation/...
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新英訳・百人一首-4 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 4 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-4 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets - 4 New English Translation   https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-4-new-english-translation/...
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新英訳・百人一首-3 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 3 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-3 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 3 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-3-new-english-translation/ 百人一首 the Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets No.4 田子の浦に うち出てみれば 白妙の 富士の高嶺に 雪は降りつつ  - 山部赤人 As I come forth To Tago Bay What I see in the north Is the white snow falling from the sky On the high peak of Mt. Fuji aw...
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新英訳・百人一首-2 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 2 New English Translation

新英訳・百人一首-2 The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets – 2 New English Translation https://www.general-cs.tokyo/the-hundred-poems-by-one-hundred-poets-2-new-english-translation/...
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