‘お知らせ Info’ カテゴリ

経済短歌: 賃金上がらぬ真の要因  True reason preventing wage increases – economic tanka

経済短歌: 賃金上がらぬ真の要因  True reason preventing wage increases - economic tanka 賃金が 上がれば 累進の 税率上がり 実入り少なし The more you gain from wages, the less marginal net income you earn, That's the progressive taxation in Japan. 賃金の 上昇妨ぐ 要因は 累進課税と 知るは妙なり It is interesting to know that a factor preventing wage increase in Japan can be the progressive taxation, Due to the pursuit of efficient wag...
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経済短歌: 効果冴えぬマイナス金利 Ineffecitve negative interest rate policy of BOJ – economic tanka

経済短歌: 効果が冴えぬマイナス金利 Ineffecitve negative interest rate policy of BOJ - economic tanka   負の金利 導入あとの 印象は 打てど響かぬ 株式市場 Negative interest rate policy appears ineffective, Looking at the Japanese stock market unsuperlative. マイナスの 金利政策 印象は 理論先行 効果いまいち Negative interest rate policy should be in theory effective, But in practice looks ineffective. 負の金利 導入あとの 黒田氏は 足の人から 頭の人に Af...
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経済短歌: BOJのバランスシート BOJ’s balance sheet – economic tanka/ poem

経済短歌: BOJのバランスシート BOJ's balance sheet - economic tanka/poem 日銀の バランスシート 見るなれば 国債重し 今さらながら Looking at BOJ's balance sheet chilly, You will know the amount of JGB heavy.  黒田氏の 異次元緩和 難題の 出口戦略 次期総裁へ Kuroda's different dimension monetary easing once worked well. Thrown down to Ueda, the next governor, is the exit strategy hell. By Kota Nakako 2023/02/14     経済短歌: BOJのバラン...
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経済狂歌: 日銀新総裁報道 Report about new BOJ governor – economic kyoka (crazy poem)

経済狂歌: 日銀新総裁報道について Report about new BOJ governor – economic kyoka (crazy poem) 日銀は ソブリンファンドに 転換す それが日本に/新総裁に 残された道 BOJ is transforming to a kind of special sovereign fund, unprecedented. That’s the only choice left for Japan, I guess, Ueda must be convinced.  By Kota Nakako 2023/02/12   経済狂歌: 日銀新総裁報道 Report about new BOJ governor – economic kyoka (crazy poem) – 株式会社ゼネラル・カラー・サービス ...
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経済短歌: 重税で沈没する日本 Japan will sink with heavy taxes – economic tanka

経済短歌:  重税で沈没する日本 Economic Tanka:  Japan will sink with heavy taxes 日本丸 重税ととも 沈没す 事業(投資)採算/企業家精神 大きく損ね Japan will sink with the taxes too heavy, Discouraging people who earn money. 重税で 事業(投資)利回り マイナスに 破壊的なり 日本の税制 Business and investment returns turn negative, Because of Japan's heavy taxes destructive. By Kota Nakako 2023/02/02 経済短歌:  重税で沈没する日本 Japan will sink with heavy taxes ...
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経済短歌: 相続重税のもう一つの核心 The other nub of heavy inheritance tax

経済短歌: 相続重税のもう一つの核心 Economic Tanka:  The other nub of heavy inheritance tax 相続税 も一つ問題 核心は 現金主義の 納税方法 The other nub of heavy inheritance tax, Is the principle of tax payment by cash. 路線価で 一律評価 するならば 現物納税 一般化がすじ If evaluated, on inheritance, in street value of land,  Allowed in general is tax payment in kind. これほどに 累進課税 するならば 現物納税 認めるが筋 Such significant is the  progressive tax...
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経済短歌: 日銀金融政策に思う 23/1/18 Thought on BOJ MPM

経済短歌: 日銀金融政策に思う 23/1/18 Economic Tanka:  Thought on BOJ MPM decision on 18th Jan. 2023 いかほどに 抑えようとも 押し込めた バネはいずれは はじけるのが理 The suppressed spring bursts. So do the interest rates. 金利をば 封じ込めようと 日銀の 大量国債 買い入れの無理 Huge record buying of JGB by BOJ standalone,  To force low interest rates, is expected to be in vain. by Kota Nakako 2023/1/18...
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経済短歌: 物価上昇上回る賃上げの矛盾 A contradiction of raising wages more than prices.

  経済短歌: 物価上昇上回る賃上げの矛盾 Economic Tanka:  A contradiction of raising wages more than prices 賃上げを 物価の上昇 以上とは 賃金・物価の 因果を知らぬ The request to raise wages more than general prices, Simply reveals the lack of understanding the cause and effect relationships. By Kota Nakako 2023/01/08  経済短歌: 物価上昇上回る賃上げの矛盾 A contradiction of raising wages more than prices. – 株式会社ゼネラル・カラー・サービス 中湖康太 ...
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経済短歌: 分配と稼ぐ力 Economic Tanka: Distribution and the Power To Earn

  経済短歌: 分配と稼ぐ力 Economic Tanka:  Distribution and the Power To Earn 分配も よきことなれど 肝要は 稼ぐ力を 強くすること It is good to practice distribution. But more important is to strengthen the power to earn. 過去世紀 歴史を学べ なぜ社会 共産主義が 崩壊したか Learn the lesson from the past century, Why socialism and communism collapsed eventually? by Kota Nakako 2023/01/07  経済短歌: 分配と稼ぐ力 Economic Tanka: Dis...
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経済短歌:米国経済がなぜ強いか? Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day?

 経済短歌:米国経済がなぜ強いか? Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day? 米国の 経済強さ 秘密とは 労働市場 柔軟なこと Why the US economy is robust at the end of the day? Because the labor market is flexible extremely. 賃金を 上げろというは 易しいが 切れぬがゆえに 一律難(カタ)し To say ‘Raise wages’ is easy, But difficult to cut them in Japan, let alone force redundancy. 政府から 賃金上げろ 云々と 言うは市場の 強靭さ削ぐ The government direct...
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