‘経済・投資 Money’ カテゴリ

投資短歌 米通信株 US Telecom Stocks

投資短歌 米通信株 US Telecom Stocks - Investment Tanka 米国の 通信株の 見直しが 本格化すか ここから見もの 利上げにて 配当株は 下げたけど ここからみもの 米通信株 It is interesting to see if US Telecom stocks will recover, After the decline due perhaps to interest rate hike severe. 米金利 上昇により 下げたけど 割安なるか 通信株は Some US Telecom stocks may have discounted The adverse impact perhaps by the hike in interest rate by the FED. By Kota N...
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経済短歌 米金利上昇がもたらす投資機会 Increase in interest rates and investment opportunities – economic tanka

経済短歌 米金利上昇がもたらす投資機会 Increase in interest rates and investment opportunities 金利をば あげる米国 さすがだな 懐(フトコロ)深さ 正に示した Demonstrated is the capacity to raise interest rates; That's the United States. 永すぎた マイナス金利 伸びたゴム 金融政策 メリハリ大事 Too long to be effective. Stretched is Japan's negative interest rate. 資本主義 盟主たるを 示したり やるときはやる 金利引き上げ (米国)  Demonstrated is US capacity to raise interest ra...
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経済短歌 格下げと米株式市場の効率性 The credit rating downgrades and Efficiency of US Stock Market – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 格下げと米株式市場の効率性 The credit rating downgrades and Efficiency of US Stock Market - Economic Tanka 米国債/銀行 格下げ受けて かなり下げ 米株市場 効率的か? Given the credit downgrades of the US debts/some US big banks, recently, The share prices were fairly affected, putting a question on the efficiency of the US stock market, candidly. By Kota Nakako 2023/08/10...
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投資短歌 商社株Q1-23決算 Major Trading Co. Q1-23 results – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌 商社株Q1-23決算 Major Trading Co. Q1-23 results - Inv. Tanka 商社株 資源高騰 一休み 純利微減も 堅固な決算 General Trading Companies' Q1-23 financial results; - Despite a drop in net profits, Due to declines in commodity prices, such as coal iron ores and coking coals, Demonstrate, in my view, strong earnings,  Exercising strength of diversified trading and investment companies. By Kota Nakako 2023/0...
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投資短歌 米金融株 US financial stocks – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌 米金融株 US financial stocks - Inv. Tanka 米利上げ リセッション懸念 交錯し 金融株は 一進一退 The performance of US financial stocks looks mixed, Due to interest rate hike-induced positives and negatives intermixed. By Kota Nakako 2023/08/06...
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投資短歌  米利上げで高配当株下落 Dividend stocks declined as FRB hiked interest rate – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌  米利上げで高配当株下落 Dividend stocks declined as FRB hiked interest rate - Inv. Tanka 米利上げ 配当株が 下落する 相対魅力 低下のためか With the US hike in interest rate, high dividend stocks have declined, Perhaps, as the relative attractiveness has diminished. 米利上げ 配当株が 下落する ここは押し目の 買いのチャンスか With the hike in US interest rate, dividend stocks have declined substantially. Providing good opportunities to b...
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経済短歌: 日銀YCC柔軟化 BOJ decides to relax YCC, in due course. – Economic Tanka

経済短歌: 日銀YCC柔軟化 Economic Tanka:  BOJ decides to relax YCC, in due course. 日銀が YCCを 柔軟化 国債買いの 大義は残す BOJ decides to relax YCC, in due course, But keeps good reason to buy JGB, as a matter of course. By Kota Nakako 2023/7/28 ********************************************* 下記、23/1/18 経済短歌 再掲 経済短歌: 日銀金融政策に思う 23/1/18 Economic Tanka:  Thought on BOJ MPM decision on 18th Jan. 2023 いかほどに 抑えよ...
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経済短歌 日銀YCC維持というより止められない BOJ Rather unable to normalize than maintain YCC – A viewpoint

経済短歌 日銀YCC維持というより止められない BOJ Rather unable to normalize than maintain YCC - A viewpoint : Economic Tanka YCC(ワイシイシー) 維持のこころは 止(ヤ)めようも 止めれぬ故(ユエ)が 日本の事情 BOJ’s unwillingness to do YCC normalization; - It's rather unable to do it than maintain it - Japan's special situation. By Kota Nakako 2023/07/24...
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経済短歌: なぜ米ドルに強気か? Why bullish on US Dollars? – A Viewpoint

経済短歌 Economic Tanka なぜ米ドルに強気か? Why bullish on US Dollars? 金利差や 経常収支も 大事だが 中銀B/S(チューギンビーエス) みれば米ドル It's important to look at interest differential and current account balance.  But I'm inclined to opt for US dollars looking at the central banks' total assets-GDP ratio for confidence. 日銀は 1.4倍(イッテンヨンバイ) 連銀は 0.4倍(レーテンシバイ)の 総資産-GDP(ソーシサン : ジーディーピー) In terms of Assets-GDP, BOJ...
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経済短歌 日銀の為替介入余力 BOJ’s capacity of currency intervention – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 日銀の為替介入余力 BOJ's capacity of currency intervention - Economic Tanka 日銀の バランスシート* 見るなれば プレーン余力 9兆円ほど Looking at BOJ's balance sheet* for certain,  The capacity is about 9 trillion yen, plain. * 2023/3/31 為替市場 世界の規模を 見るなれば 日銀といえ 力に限り Looking at the scale of global currency market traded, BOJ's capacity of intervention can be dwarfed. 適正な 為替水準 そもそもが 見極めるのは 極めて難(カタ)し Fair currenc...
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