‘経済・投資 Money’ カテゴリ

投資短歌 ケインズの株式投資三大原則 Keynes’ Three Principles of Securities Investment – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 ケインズの株式投資三大原則 Keynes' Three Principles of Securities Investment - Investment Tanka ケインズの 投資三大 原則は 本源価値に 集中・分散 The three principles of securities investment Keynes indicated; - A careful selection of a few investments, cheap in relation to 1) intrinsic value, 2) concentrated, and yet suitably 3) diversified. ケインズの 投資原則 第一は 本源価値で 割安証券 As first of his three principles of securiti...
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投資短歌 日銀政策と日本株 BOJ’s monetary policy and Japanese equities – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 日銀政策と日本株 BOJ's monetary policy and Japanese equities - Investment Tanka 日銀の 金融政策 不透明 方向つかめず 株は調整 Due certainly to BOJ's monetary policy decision or indecision, Japanese equities market seems to be at a loss, lack of direction. By Kota Nakako 23/10/14...
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投資短歌 米国株式の調整と米債投資 US stock market correction and investment in bonds – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 米国株式の調整と米債投資 US stock market correction and investment in bonds - Investment Tanka 米金利 上昇により 米債の 魅力が増して 投資の妙味 With the rise in US interest rates short-term and long-term, i.e., the upward shift in yield curve, Investments in US fixed income securities look certainly attractive. 米国の 金利の上昇 調整で 株は不振も むしろ仕込みか The recent corrections of US stock market caused by the interest rate ris...
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投資短歌 金利上昇とJ-REIT Rising interest rate and J-REIT – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 金利上昇とJ-REIT Rising interest rate and J-REIT - Investment Tanka J-REIT 金利上昇 逆風も 代替投資の 妙味あるなり Rising interest rate is certainly contrary wind against J-REIT. Yet, it still has a point as alternative investment. By Kota Nakako 23/09/176...
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投資短歌 Arm 上場 Initial public offering of arm in Nasdaq – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 Arm上場  Initial public offering of arm in Nasdaq - Investment Tanka arm上場に際し Initial public offering of arm in Nasdaq AIが わからぬゆえに 代替に ソフトバンクGへ 投資実るか Being no idea about artificial intelligence at all, Alternative investment in Softbank Group is hoped to bear fruit after all. By Kota Nakako 23/09/16...
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投資短歌 金融株の上げ Appreciation of Financial Stocks – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌 金融株の上げ Appreciation of Financial Stocks - Inv. Tanka マイナスの 金利解除を 折り込みつ 金融株(キンユ―)は なおも先高 The release of negative interest rate policy being discounted, Further appreciation of financial stocks is expected.   長年の 利ザヤ縮小 呪縛から ようやく逃る 金融業も Signs are that banks are at last escaping, The agony of ever shrinking interest margin spellbinding. By Kota Nakako 2023/09/14  ...
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経済短歌 米ドル建て保険 US dollar based insurance products – economic tanka

経済短歌 米ドル建て保険 US dollar based insurance products - economic tanka 米長期 金利の上げで 保険では 勝る米建て ひどい円建て Far more attractive are life insurance products of US dollar-based, With the rise in long-term interest rates, far outstripping those of JPY-based. 高齢化 社会で必須な 保険では 米建て勝れ 円建て劣る In aging society, good life insurance products are required ever. The negative or ultra low interest rates i...
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投資短歌 米通信株 US Telecom Stocks

投資短歌 米通信株 US Telecom Stocks - Investment Tanka 米国の 通信株の 見直しが 本格化すか ここから見もの 利上げにて 配当株は 下げたけど ここからみもの 米通信株 It is interesting to see if US Telecom stocks will recover, After the decline due perhaps to interest rate hike severe. 米金利 上昇により 下げたけど 割安なるか 通信株は Some US Telecom stocks may have discounted The adverse impact perhaps by the hike in interest rate by the FED. By Kota N...
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経済短歌 米金利上昇がもたらす投資機会 Increase in interest rates and investment opportunities – economic tanka

経済短歌 米金利上昇がもたらす投資機会 Increase in interest rates and investment opportunities 金利をば あげる米国 さすがだな 懐(フトコロ)深さ 正に示した Demonstrated is the capacity to raise interest rates; That's the United States. 永すぎた マイナス金利 伸びたゴム 金融政策 メリハリ大事 Too long to be effective. Stretched is Japan's negative interest rate. 資本主義 盟主たるを 示したり やるときはやる 金利引き上げ (米国)  Demonstrated is US capacity to raise interest ra...
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経済短歌 格下げと米株式市場の効率性 The credit rating downgrades and Efficiency of US Stock Market – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 格下げと米株式市場の効率性 The credit rating downgrades and Efficiency of US Stock Market - Economic Tanka 米国債/銀行 格下げ受けて かなり下げ 米株市場 効率的か? Given the credit downgrades of the US debts/some US big banks, recently, The share prices were fairly affected, putting a question on the efficiency of the US stock market, candidly. By Kota Nakako 2023/08/10...
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新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

アナリスト出門甚一 ストーリー&エッセイ集: 分析と創造と怠惰の間(ゼネラルCS出版).

パウル・クレーのある部屋: 画家への思いとアートプリント・インテリア(エッセイ集) (GCS出版)

試験に役立つ 経済学短歌: 生活、ビジネス、投資のセンスをみがく (ゼネラルCS出版)

相場格言コラム・株投資短歌 (ジー・シー・エス出版)

英詩のリズムで読む新英訳百人一首 Reading ‘The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets’ in English Verse (ゼネラルCS出版)

短歌のリズムで読むシェイクスピア・ソネット: 14行詩をたった31文字ではやわかり (GCS出版)

常盤台住宅地物語: 優美さの秘密と価値を高めるまちづくり (GCS出版)


財布がふくらむ 利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる発想転換の書 (GCS出版)


酒・金・女etc. 江戸のパロディ 大田南畝の狂歌 Nanpo Ota’s Kyoka - Parody of Edo: 和英対訳コメント付き in Japanese and English (GCS出版)

古今和歌集 - 紀貫之の仮名序と和歌 Kokin Wakashu - Preface and Waka of Ki noTsurayuki: 和英対訳 Japanese - English Translation (GCS出版)


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