‘経済・投資 Money’ カテゴリ

投資短歌 楽観視できぬバブル後最高値更新 Watchful for ‘The highest since the bubble’. – Investment Tank

投資短歌 楽観視できぬバブル後最高値更新 Watchful for 'The highest since the bubble'. - Investment Tank バブル後の 最高水準 更新も 次に来るのは 異次元のつけ バブル後の 最高水準 更新も 楽観できぬは 異次元のつけ I cannot be optimistic about 'the highest since the bubble' situation.  Next is, though I hope not, to pay the bill for the monetary easing of different dimension. By Kota Nakako 2024/01/10...
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経済短歌 最後の手段としての米ドル US Dollar as the currency of the last resort – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 最後の手段としての米ドル  US Dollar as the currency of the last resort - Economic Tanka 米ドルは やはり最後の 砦かな 経済・法治 世界・流通 There is nothing other than US dollar as the currency of the last resort, From the viewpoints of economy, rule of law, global validity and comfort. 米ドルは やはり最後の 砦かな 消去法でも 比較法でも There is nothing other than US dollar as the currency of the last bastion, Either by the meth...
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投資短歌 米国債 US government bonds – Investment Tanka

投資短歌 米国債 US government bond - Investment Tanka 天の原 米国債よ 4、5パー(シゴパー)*の 長短(チョータン)利回り もたらすは佳し Good heavens, US government bonds provide 4-5% short- and long-term returns. By Kota Nakako 2024/01/07...
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経済短歌 異次元中毒症 Toxicosis, different dimensional – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 異次元中毒症 Toxicosis, different dimensional - Economic Tanka 異次元も ずるずる続き 凡次元 どっぷり漬かり 中毒症に If prolonged, it will turn banal rather than unconventional. BOJ has been afflicted with toxicosis, different dimensional. By Kota Nakako 2023/12/31...
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経済短歌 日銀のお家事情 BOJ’s own reason – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 日銀のお家事情 BOJ's own reason - Economic Tanka マイナスの 金利解除が できぬのは その後にくる 顛末おそれ BOJ's indecision to abandon negative interest rate pitiful, is because of its possible aftermath dreadful.  マイナスの 金利解除が できぬのは 政策よりも おのれの事情 BOJ's reluctance to abandon the negative interest rate, Is due rather to its own financial reason than pure policy reason at any rate. 民間の 企業財務で ありえない バランスシ...
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経済短歌  21世紀の日本円 その二 Japanese Yen in the 21st century Part 2 – Economic Tanka

経済短歌  21世紀の日本円 その二 Japanese Yen in the 21st century Part 2 - Economic Tanka 日銀の 調達コスト ネガティブで マイナス金利 続く限りは BOJ's cost of debt is negative, As far as the negative interest rate (NIR) is to continue alive. 国債の 市中消化の 限界で 紙幣増発 ハイパーインフレ? No sooner had the issuance of JGBs become in the market inconsumable, Than, in traditional theory, BOJ's debt finance should concur, triggering hype...
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経済短歌 21世紀の日本円 Japanese Yen in the 21st century – Economic Tanka

経済短歌  21世紀の日本円 Japanese Yen in the 21st century - Economic Tanka 日本円 今世紀こそ 役割は 生活費のため 納税資金 The chief motives for holding Japanese Yen in the 21st century, Are no more or less? than paying taxes and living expenses necessary. By Kota Nakako 2023/12/16...
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投資短歌 銀行株の下落 Decline in Japanese mega bank stocks – Investment Tanka

投資短歌  銀行株の下落 Decline in Japanese mega bank stocks 負の金利 解除期待が 遠のいて 銀行株が 大幅下落 Diminishing expectation of lifting of negative Interest rate, Japanese mega bank stocks decline at any rate. By Kota Nakako 2023/12/15...
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経済短歌 マイナス金利とYCC Negative Interest Rate and YCC – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 マイナス金利(NIR)とYCC Negative Interest Rate and YCC - Economic Tanka マイナスの 金利と併せ YCC(ワイシーシイ) 国債を買う スキームとなり Negative Interest rate and YCC, the combination, Turns out to be the scheme to buy JGBs by The Bank of Japan. By Kota Nakako 2023/12/15...
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投資短歌 突然のドル安 Sudden Weakness in US dollar – Investment Tanka

投資短歌: 突然のドル安 Sudden Weakness in US dollar - Investment Tanka 突然に ドル安に振れ おどろきも ドル建て資産 積み増す好機 The weakness in the US dollar comes in a sense suddenly. Yet, it simply offers good opportunities to increase US dollar assets steadfastly. By Kota Nakako 2023/12/14...
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