‘経済・投資 Money’ カテゴリ
株投資短歌 121919 ソフトバンクグループ(9984)
ソフトバンクグループ(9984): ウィーワークへの 投資懸念で 下落すも ようやく底を 這(は)い出すのかな
Softbank Group (9984): After the weakness in the share price caused mainly perhaps by invetors' concerns for WeWork, one interpretation would suggest that it has bottomed out of the vicious circle, probably.
By Kota Nakako
This is for information purpo... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 121819 信用買い残
信用の 買い残多し 君は言う 先行き売りを 懸念するゆえ
You are worried about the large volume of buying on margin on a stock, saying it could turn out to be significant selling pressures in the future. Could it be a sign that many investors are seeing it cheap, rather?
Kota Nakako... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 121519 貪欲から利益は逃げる
行いは こころを正し 澄ますため 貪る心 もうけは逃げる
Rectify and purify my mind by feet. Profits will run away from greed.
By Kota Nakako
12/15/19... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 121419 上げ相場に思う
上げ相場 もっと買っておけば 良かったなと 思うは株の 常といえるか
The surge in the stock market - it would be usually the case for most investors to say that more should have been invested, looking at the rising stock prices. But it is what it is.
By Kota Nakako
12/14/19... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 120919-2 株投資のねらい
株投資 ねらいはもうけ だけでなし 企業活動 支うよろこび
The aim of stock investment is not only the pursuit of profit, but the pleasure of supporting corporate enterprises.
By Kota Nakako
12/9/19... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 120919 配当について
配当を あぶく銭とは いうなかれ 足でかせぎし 企業の果実
Don't call dividends easy money, as they are the fruits earned with strenuous efforts by the enterprises, in particular their feet.
Kota Nakako
12/9/19... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 120719-3 忍耐が大切
とはいうも 十戦十勝は 無きと知れ 株式投資 忍耐大切
Having said that, you will never get ten wins out of ten investments. Patience is essential in stock investments, like anything else.
By Kota Nakako... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 120719-2 おのずと知れるそのひとなりの投資対象
株価こそ その本質を 知るならば 投資対象 おのずと知れる
If you focus on the essence of share price drivers, you will know the stocks to invest in.
By Kota Nakkao
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株投資短歌 120719 株価上昇のドライバー
株価こそ 上昇うながす 要因は 技術革新と 知るも一(いち)かな
It is true that the one of the key factors which essentially drive share prices will be technological revolution, in my view.
Kota Nakako
12/7/19... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 120519 テクニカルリバウンドに乗れない株
テクニカル リバウンドにも 乗れぬ株 理由さがすも 推測の域
One of the stocks held could not take a ride on the technical rebound of the market. What is the reason? But in vain.
By Kota Nakako... → 続きを読む
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