‘経済・投資 Money’ カテゴリ
相場格言コラム8 買いにくい相場は高い(宴のあとか) after or for the banquet
It is too late for the banquet.
It is not too late for the banquet.
買いにくい 相場は高い そのこころ 宴の後の 株価水準
The higher the stocks rise, the tougher you buy them.
上げ相場 乗るか乗らぬか 躊躇(ちゅうちょ)する その間にも 株価は上がる
To get on the rising tide or not, that is the question.
The more you hesitate, the higher the stock rises.
相場に「タラレバ」はありません。(株価評価をした上で)ある買いた... → 続きを読む
相場格言コラム6 売り買い休みの三筋道 It is a good idea to keep distance from the market.
It is a good idea to keep distance from the market, refraining from buying and selling stocks, from time to time.
売り買いを しばし休むは 時に良い 相場を見ずに 心を澄ます
Dare not to look at the market and refrain from buying and selling stocks, keeping distance from the market. And you can clear you mind and refresh your market view.
時に、相場にのめりこみ、パフォーマンス(投資成績)があがらなくなっていることがあります。そのよ... → 続きを読む
相場格言コラム 4 命金には手をつけるな Do not touch on the money for living expenses.
相場格言コラム 4
Do not touch on the money for living expenses.
生活の 金(かね)で相場に 臨むなよ 株に向かうは リスク資金で
For stock investment, use risk money, not money for living expenses.
Needless to say, you should not use mo... → 続きを読む
相場格言コラム2 当たり屋につけ Follow the successful investor.
(相場格言コラム 2)
Follow the successful investor.
Follow the lucky person.
Ride together with the successful investor.
当たり屋に つくというとき こころせよ 投資責任 あくまで自分
The responsibilities are all yours when you follow the successful investor.
こころせよ 今日の当たり屋 明日(あした)には 期待外れの 曲がり屋になり
Beware lucky person today may be unlucky person tomorrow.
株式投資で... → 続きを読む
経済短歌 新コロナと国家財政懸念 Lavish feast under Covid-19 and national debt crisis
コロナ禍で 大盤振る舞い よけれども 次にくるのは 財政危機か
Under Covid-19 crisis, giving a lavish feast might be a good idea. Yet, what comes next could be national debt crisis, printing money.
中湖 康太
Kota Nakako
2020/04/18... → 続きを読む
新コロナ禍: 需要喚起必須 Demand stimulus essential
新コロナ 自粛要請 よけれども 併せて必須な 需要の喚起
Essential is to stimulate demand, along with the restrictions on business and personal activities in Covid-19 crisis situation.
東京都 自粛のみでは 片手落ち 需要の喚起 無くば沈没
Yes, Metropolitan Governor, the restrictions are fine; yet without demand, the economy, let alone individual lives, will sink deep in the water.
金融の 流動性の 供給も 需要無ければ 急場のしのぎ
Monetary easing is essentia... → 続きを読む
新型コロナと株価(6) 自社株買い Share-buybacks
自社株の 買いがでるかも 注目だ 長期の視点 もつ企業なら
Also can be expected is the share-buybacks by companies with strong balance sheet with long-term view.
中湖 康太 Kota Nakako
2020/03/11... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 新型コロナと株価(4) All I can…
想定外 インベントリスク 新ウィルス はやく収束 祈るのみかな
The new coronavirus hits us unexpectedly. All I can is pray for early subsidence and subjugation of it.
投資には 想定外を 想定す ことが重要 あらためて知る
Easier said than done. Yet, I realize it is important to expect the unexpected in investment, as in anything else.
中湖 康太 Kota Nakako
2020/3/11 ... → 続きを読む
株投資短歌 新型コロナと株価(2) 選別投資 Selective Investment
新コロナ 経済活動 需要減 供給ネックで 縮小均衡
New coronavirus epidemic simply should affect economic activities; decline in demand and disruption in supply, leading to economic contraction, to large extent certainly.
人類の 知恵に信頼 なすならば アンチバイラス(抗バイラス) 開発いずれ
Yet if we can trust the wisdom of humankind, it should be a matter of time the antivirus medicines are to be developed.
一様に 株価判断 できずとも 売られ過ぎ株 見極め投資
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株投資短歌 123019 米株相場観
米株に 高値警戒 感じるも 当面のるは 妥当なるかな
US stocks can be at high levels, some say,
I can’t fully deny it, candidly,
Yet, for the time being, I would say,
It may be a good idea, probably.
To get on the ride appropriately.
中湖 康太 Kota Nakako
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