‘文化・社会 Culture’ カテゴリ

シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌64: Tanka for Sonnet 64

64 時は来て わが恋人を 奪い去る 喪失恐れ われ泣きぬれる When I have seen by Time’s fell hand defaced  That Time will come and take my love away. This thought is as a death, which cannot choose But weep to have that which it fears to lose. When I have seen by Time’s fell hand defaced The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed, And brass eternal slave to m...
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保護中: シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌63: Tanka for Sonnet 63

63 彼の美に 時が無残に しわ刻む わが詩の行(ぎょう)で 防塞(ぼうさい)築く Time’s injurious hand crush and o’erworn my sweet love’s beauty With lines and wrinkles; when his yourthful morn For such a time do I now fortify His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, Against my love shall be, as I am now, With Time’s injurious hand crush and o’erworn; When hours have drain’d his blood, and fill’d his brow Wi...
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シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌62: Tanka for Sonnet 62

62 自己愛を 打ち砕くのは 鏡にぞ 写った我が身 きみこそ美なり Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye, But when my glass shows me myself indeed, Beated and chopt with tann’d antiquity Painting my age with beauty of thy days. Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye, And all my soul, and all my every part; And for this sin there is no remedy, It is so grounded inward in my heart. M ethinks no face so ...
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シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌61: Tanka for Sonnet 61

61 わが眠り さまたげるのは 君の愛? 否(いな)、わが愛だ 眠り奪うは Is it thy will thy image should keep open My heavy eyelids to the weary night? It is my love that keeps mine eye awake; Mine own true love that doth my rest defeat, Is it thy will thy image should keep open My heavy eyelids to the weary night? Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken, While shadows like to thee do mock my sight? ...
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保護中: シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌60: Tanka for Sonnet 60

60 君の美を 時の残酷 食い荒らす けれどわが詩に 永遠(とわ)にのこれり Feeds on the rarities of nature’s truth, And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow: And yet, to times in hope my verse shall stand, Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand. Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end; Each changing place with that which goes before, In sequent toil all ...
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保護中: シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌59: Tanka for Sonnet 59

59 この世には 新しき美は 無いと言う あたなの美貌 過去には無きも If there be nothing new, but that which is That I might see what the old world could say To this composed wonder of your frame; Where we are mended, or whe’r better they: If there be nothing new, but that which is Hath been before, how are our brains beguiled, Which, labouring for invention, bear amiss The second burden of a former child!...
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シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌58: Tanka for Sonnet 58

58 神の命(めい) わたしは奴隷 君を待つ たとえ地獄の 中にあっても That god forbit that made me first your slave O, let me suffer, being at your beck, I am to wait, though waiting so be hell; Not blame your pleasure, be it ill or well. That god forbit that made me first your slave, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, Or at your hand the account of hours to crave, Being your vassal, bound ...
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シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌57: Tanka for Sonnet 57

57 わたしこそ 無価値な奴隷 のぞむのは  きみの幸せ 愛とは道化 I, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought Save, where you are how happy you make those. So true a fool is love, that in your Will, Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill. Being your slave, what should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of your desire? I have no precious time at all to spend, Nor services to do, till you require. ...
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シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌56: Tanka for Sonnet 56

56 うるわしき 愛と倦怠 夏と冬 冬あるゆえに 夏また楽し The spirit of love with a perpetual dullness. Return of love, more blest may be the view; Or call it winter, which, being full of care, Makes summer’s welcome thrice more wisht, more rare. Sweet love, renew thy force; be it not said Thy edge should blunter be than appetite, Which but to-day by feeding is allay’d, To-morrow sharpen’d in his fo...
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保護中: シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌55: Tanka for Sonnet 55

55 君の美は わが詩で永遠(とわ)に なるだろう 戦い破壊 時を越え  Nor marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rime; Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn But you shall shine more bright in these contents Nor marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rime; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, be...
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