‘文化・社会 Culture’ カテゴリ

29. 心あてに 折(を)らばや折(を)らむ 初霜(はつしも)の 置(お)きまどはせる 白菊の花 凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちみつね)Shall I dare to break The branch of chrysanthemums, honorable With first frost, the flake Which are between the two, undiscernible, And undistinguishable? By Mitsune Oshikochi Translated by Kota Nakako

29. 心あてに 折(を)らばや折(を)らむ 初霜(はつしも)の 置(お)きまどはせる 白菊の花 凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちみつね)Shall I dare to break The branch of chrysanthemums, honorable With first frost, the flake Which are between the two, undiscernible, And undistinguishable? By Mitsune Oshikochi Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-29-kokoroateni-by-mitsune-oshikochi/  ...
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28. 山里は 冬ぞさびしさ まさりける 人目も草も かれぬと思へば 源宗于(みなもとむねゆき) In the severe winter, The mountain village looks desolate and abandoned, During the year in particular. Scarcely by people visited, With the grasses wilted and withered. By Muneyuki Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

28. 山里は 冬ぞさびしさ まさりける 人目も草も かれぬと思へば 源宗于(みなもとむねゆき) In the severe winter, The mountain village looks desolate and abandoned, During the year in particular. Scarcely by people visited, With the grasses wilted and withered. By Muneyuki Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-28-yamazatoha-by-muneyuki-minamoto/...
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24. このたびは 幣(ぬさ)もとりあへず 手向山(たむけやま) 紅葉のにしき 神のまにまに – 菅原道真 This time, the trip hastily conducted, I wish the red leaves of Tamukeyama dedicated to Kami Would be as offerings accepted In accordance with the wishes of Kami And at the mercy of Kami Michizane Sugawara Translated by Kota Nakako

24. このたびは 幣(ぬさ)もとりあへず 手向山(たむけやま) 紅葉のにしき 神のまにまに – 菅原道真 This time, the trip hastily conducted, I wish the red leaves of Tamukeyama dedicated to Kami Would be as offerings accepted In accordance with the wishes of Kami And at the mercy of Kami Michizane Sugawara Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-issshu-24-konotabiwa-by-michizane-sugawara/...
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22. 吹くからに 秋の草木の しをるれば むべ山風を 嵐というらむ – 文屋康秀As soon as they blow down, Droop and wither The trees and plants grown The mountain storms in the autumn weather Must be called the tempests yet further. By Fun’ya Yasuhide Translated by Kota Nakako

22. 吹くからに 秋の草木の しをるれば むべ山風を 嵐というらむ 文屋康秀 As soon as they blow down, Droop and wither The trees and plants grown The mountain storms in the autumn weather Must be called the tempests yet further. By Fun’ya Yasuhide Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-22-fukukarani-by-funya-yasuhide/    ...
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21. いまこむと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月 待ち出(い)でつるかな – 素性法師 While I was waiting for him to come As he said he would immediately, To see the moon of Ariake rise I have come During the long night of September earnestly Seen beautifully but lamentably. By Sosei Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako

21. いまこむと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月 待ち出(い)でつるかな - 素性法師 While I was waiting for him to come As he said he would immediately, To see the moon of Ariake rise I have come During the long night of September earnestly Seen beautifully but lamentably. By Sosei Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-21-imakomuto-by-sosei-hoshi/...
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18. 住みの江の 岸による波 よるさへや 夢の通ひ路 人目よくらむ 藤原敏行 Even in the dreams mid-night, I could see her scarcely Like the waves at Suminoe flapping over dark night. Is it because she is escaping from the eyes of people desperately? Even in the paths in the night-dreams imaginary. By Toshiyuki Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

住みの江の 岸による波 よるさへや 夢の通ひ路 人目よくらむ 藤原敏行 Even in the dreams mid-night, I could see her scarcely Like the waves at Suminoe flapping over dark night. Is it because she is escaping from the eyes of people desperately? Even in the paths in the night-dreams imaginary. By Toshiyuki Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-18-suminoeno-by-toshiyuki-fujiwara/  ...
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14. 陸奥(みちのく)の しのぶぢずり 誰ゆゑ(え)に 乱れそめし われならなくに 源融(みなもとのとおる) Like disturbed pattern of Shinobu-jizuri in the Mutsu province Japan, northern part of, My mind is disturbed since By nobody other than you for all once By Toru Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

陸奥(みちのく)の しのぶぢずり 誰ゆゑ(え)に 乱れそめし われならなくに 源融(みなもとのとおる) Like disturbed pattern of Shinobu-jizuri in the Mutsu province Japan, northern part of, My mind is disturbed since By nobody other than you for all once By Toru Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-14-michinokuno/...
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13. 筑波嶺(つくばね)の 峰より落つる 男女川(みなのがは) 恋ぞつもりて 淵(ふち)となりぬる 陽成院 The river water From a peak of Tsukuba Mountain streamed down Produces a pool of water To become an abyss deep down. So has my love to her drawn. By Yozei-in, Translated by Kota Nakako

筑波嶺(つくばね)の 峰より落つる 男女川(みなのがは) 恋ぞつもりて 淵(ふち)となりぬる 陽成院 The river water From a peak of Tsukuba Mountain streamed down Produces a pool of water To become an abyss deep down. So has my love to her drawn. By Yozei-in, Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/hyakunin-isshu-13-tsukubane-no-by-yozei-in/  ...
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アイロニーの研究 (3)

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アイロニーの研究 (2)

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