‘文化・社会 Culture’ カテゴリ

(時局短歌) 新コロナウィルス予防 Preventing Covid-19 infection

https://www.general-cs.tokyo/preveniting-covid-19-infection/  ...
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時局短歌 アイラインに手抜きなし Perfect Eyelines in emergency

https://www.general-cs.tokyo/eyelines-in-emergency/  ...
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100. ももしきや 古き軒端(のきば)の しのぶにも なほあまりある 昔(むかし)なりけり 順徳院(じゅんとくいん) Looking at the grasses of the imperial court once flourished, Growing enduringly and perseveringly, At the edge of the eaves decayed, I long for the glorious old days persistently, Too dear for me to eliminate my longing for them completely. By Jutokuin Translated by Kota Nakako

100. ももしきや 古き軒端(のきば)の しのぶにも なほあまりある 昔(むかし)なりけり 順徳院(じゅんとくいん) Looking at the grasses of the imperial court once flourished, Growing enduringly and perseveringly, At the edge of the eaves decayed, I long for the glorious old days persistently, Too dear for me to eliminate my longing for them completely. By Jutokuin Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/100-momoshikiya-by-jutokuin/...
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97. 来(こ)ぬ人(ひと)を まつほの浦の 夕(ゆふ)なぎに 焼(や)くや藻塩(もしほ)の 身(み)もこがれつつ 藤原定家(ふじわらさだいえ) I have been yearning for my lover Who hasn’t come, unconcerned, No matter how long I wait for him, Burning with love, like the salt seaweed grilled, During evening calm at Mastuho Bay, subsided. By Sadaie Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

97. 来(こ)ぬ人(ひと)を まつほの浦の 夕(ゆふ)なぎに 焼(や)くや藻塩(もしほ)の 身(み)もこがれつつ 藤原定家(ふじわらさだいえ) I have been yearning for my lover Who hasn’t come, unconcerned, No matter how long I wait for him, Burning with love, like the salt seaweed grilled, During evening calm at Mastuho Bay, subsided. By Sadaie Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/97-konuhitowo-by-teika-fujiwara/...
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93. 世の中は 常にもがもな なぎさこぐ あまの小舟(をぶね)の 綱手かなしも 源実朝(みなもとさねとも) How I wish the world would be eternally unchanged! I am moved quite deeply By the scene of daily life conducted mundanely Of a fisherman rolling out into the sea quietly By pulling the rope of small fishing boat quietly. By Sanetomo Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

93. 世の中は 常にもがもな なぎさこぐ あまの小舟(をぶね)の 綱手かなしも 源実朝(みなもとさねとも) How I wish the world would be eternally unchanged! I am moved quite deeply By the scene of daily life conducted mundanely Of a fisherman rolling out into the sea quietly By pulling the rope of small fishing boat quietly. By Sanetomo Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/93-yononakaha-by-sanetomo-minatomo/...
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89. 玉の緒(を)よ 絶えなば絶えね ながらへば 忍ぶることの 弱りもぞする 式子内親王(しきしないしんのう) Die, Oh, my life, If you like to die, If thus I continue to live on my life My patience would become too weak to deserve my love to you, i.e. my life. By Shikishinai Shino Translated by Kota Nakako

89. 玉の緒(を)よ 絶えなば絶えね ながらへば 忍ぶることの 弱りもぞする 式子内親王(しきしないしんのう) Die, Oh, my life, If you like to die, If thus I continue to live on my life My patience would become too weak to deserve my love to you, i.e. my life. By Shikishinai Shino Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/89-tamanowoyo-by-shikishinai-shino/...
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83. 世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入(い)る 山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる 藤原俊成(ふじわらとしなり) There is no escape from the world secular. Trying to escape from it seriously, I enter into the deep mountain insular. Yet I still hear the deer crying woefully, As if remembering the life earthly. By Toshinari Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

83. 世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入(い)る 山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる 藤原俊成(ふじわらとしなり) There is no escape from the world secular. Trying to escape from it seriously, I enter into the deep mountain insular. Yet I still hear the deer crying woefully, As if remembering the life earthly. By Toshinari Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/83-yononakayo-by-toshinari-fujiwara/...
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67. 春の夜の 夢ばかりなる 手枕(たまくら)に かひなく立(た)たむ 名(な)こそをしけれ 周防内侍(すおうないし) It is a pity that our relation Is made known in public ashamedly. It is a mere flirtation Of using his arm as my pillow, merely, Dreaming in the spring night, transiently. By Naishi Suo Translated by Kota Nakako

67. 春の夜の 夢ばかりなる 手枕(たまくら)に かひなく立(た)たむ 名(な)こそをしけれ 周防内侍(すおうないし) It is a pity that our relation Is made known in public ashamedly. It is a mere flirtation Of using his arm as my pillow, merely, Dreaming in the spring night, transiently. By Naishi Suo Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/67-harunoyono-by-naishi-suo/  ...
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62. 夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは はかるとも よに逢坂(あふさか)の 関はゆるさじ 清少納言(せいしょうなごん) You sent a message to me, Just before the dawn, Imitating the cock crow, trying meet me. At the Gate of Ausaka, the meeting place well-known, Yet, into your seduction, I won’t be so easily drawn. By Seisho-Nagon Translated by Kota Nakako

62. 夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは はかるとも よに逢坂(あふさか)の 関はゆるさじ 清少納言(せいしょうなごん) You sent a message to me, Just before the dawn, Imitating the cock crow, trying meet me. At the Gate of Ausaka, the meeting place well-known, Yet, into your seduction, I won’t be so easily drawn. By Seisho-Nagon Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/62-yowokomete-by-seisho-nagon/    ...
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47. 八重葎(やへむぐら) 茂れる宿の さびしきに 人こそ見えぬ 秋は来(き)にけり 恵慶法師(えぎょうほうし) People visit scarcely The mansion deserted, Where vines are growing thickly. Yet the autumn has arrived Nonetheless, at the premises ruined. By Egyo Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako

47. 八重葎(やへむぐら) 茂れる宿の さびしきに 人こそ見えぬ 秋は来(き)にけり 恵慶法師(えぎょうほうし) People visit scarcely The mansion deserted, Where vines are growing thickly. Yet the autumn has arrived Nonetheless, at the premises ruined. By Egyo Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako https://www.general-cs.tokyo/47-yahemugura-by-egyo-hoshi/  ...
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新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

アナリスト出門甚一 ストーリー&エッセイ集: 分析と創造と怠惰の間(ゼネラルCS出版).

パウル・クレーのある部屋: 画家への思いとアートプリント・インテリア(エッセイ集) (GCS出版)

試験に役立つ 経済学短歌: 生活、ビジネス、投資のセンスをみがく (ゼネラルCS出版)

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常盤台住宅地物語: 優美さの秘密と価値を高めるまちづくり (GCS出版)


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古今和歌集 - 紀貫之の仮名序と和歌 Kokin Wakashu - Preface and Waka of Ki noTsurayuki: 和英対訳 Japanese - English Translation (GCS出版)


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