シェイクスピア・ソネット鑑賞短歌114: Tanka for Sonnet 114

中湖 康太

見るものを 美し君と 写すのは
目のせいでなく 心の仕業
Or whether doth my mind, being crown’d with you,
Or whether shall I say, mine eye saith true,
And that your love taught it this alchemy,
Creating every bad a perfect best,

Or whether doth my mind, being crown’d with you,
Drink up the monarch’s plague, this flattery?
Or whether shall I say, mine eye saith true,
And that your love taught it this alchemy,
To make of monsters and things indigest
Such cherubins as your sweet self resemble,
Creating every bad a perfect best,
As fast as objects to his beams assemble?
O, ‘tis the first; ‘tis flatt’ry in my seeing,
Mine eye well knows what with his gust is greeing,
And to his palate(味覚、[精神的な]好み、審美眼) doth prepare the cup:
If it be poison’d, ‘tis the lesser sin
That mine eye loves it, and doth first begin.

Or whether doth my mind, being crown’d with you,
Drink up the monarch’s plague, this flattery?
Or whether shall I say, mine eye saith true,
And that your love taught it this alchemy(錬金術、[ある物を他のものに変える]魔力、秘法),
To make of monsters and things indigest
Such cherubins (=cherub[s]丸々太った愛らしい幼児; 美しくて無邪気な人) as your sweet self resemble,
Creating every bad a perfect best,
As fast as objects to his beams assemble?
O, ‘tis the first; ‘tis flatt’ry in my seeing,
Mine eye well knows what with his gust (突風,一陣の風) is greeing (=agreeing),
And to his palate doth prepare the cup:
If it be poison’d, ‘tis the lesser sin
That mine eye loves it, and doth first begin.

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