経済短歌: 国際貿易 Economic Tanka: International Trade

中湖 康太

消費者の 豊かさ見れば 自由よし 次が補助金 下が関税    ⁻ 経済短歌

If measured in terms of economic welfare of nations, best is free trade. Next comes subsidy. Worst is protective tariff    – Economic Tanka

-English below





 This is a common sense in economics. However, in order to re-confirm the importance of free international trade and free economy, I produced the tanka, or a set of short phrases.

In Japan, many consumers really feel and appreciate the benefits of international free trade, as they can purchase good food and other materials at cheaper prices.

I doubt US President Mr. Trump really believes the benifits of protectionism for US industries, because it should really damage the interests of US consumers. I personally think it is a big propaganda for the presidential election.

Kota Nakako

Feb 10, 2018

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