ケインズの投資について-6 金鉱株投資 Keynes’ Investments-6 Investment in Gold Mining Shares

中湖 康太










投資三原則 その2: 少数銘柄への集中投資


F.C.スコットへの手紙 1934年8月15



  1. まず第一に、2500株については、1株7ポンドで17,500ポンドの価値があります。全資産の5%に過ぎません。その取得コストは11,000ポンド、すなわち資産の1%にも満たない額です。それ自体、危険が高いとはいえず、リスク分散にもなるでしょう。
  2. 現在のユニオン・コーポレーションの市場価値は6百万ポンド以上になっていますが、全ての卵を一つのバスケットには入れることからほど遠い状況です。同社は、少なくとも南アの6つの金鉱山を支配しており、加えて相当な権益をローデシアの銅鉱山に持っています。そして、サンフランシスコの鉛銀鉱山とオーストラリアの重要な権益を手頃な値段で獲得しています。産業権益といえるブリティッシュ・エンカ・シルクとポリフォン・グラモホン・カンパニーは、まずまずの企業ですが、その持分は、無視しうる程度です。上述の主要企業に株式を保有していますが、その関与は主として、財務的、技術的経営においてであり、その点で著しい成功をしています。加えて、同社は成長が見込まれる銀行、外為、株式取引所事業を行っており、金の権益を持つと同時に、他の南アの企業グループ同様、多角的に事業を行っています。関連会社の仲買人でもあり、銀行業、為替事業に精通し、その優位性を生かして、推定で3百万ポンドに及ぶ多額の現金、英政府証券を保有しています。
  3. 同社の配当政策は極めて保守的であり、1株当たり株式価値は、1917年の資産償却後の12シリング6ペンスから現在の7ポンドまで上昇しました。戦前はドイツ企業でしたが、戦中に買収され、過去17年の間に現在の形に再編されました。同社は必要とされる配当と内部留保以上の利益は計上しないようにしていますが、実質的な利益は優に2倍から3倍に及ぶと推定され、多くの含み資産、価値あるオプションを持っています。その最も重要な鉱山はまだ配当する段階には達していませんが、成功している他の鉱山は配当ステージに到達しており、なお大きな配当余力があります。今後、より多くの利益を生み出すでしょう。同社の構成資産の現在価値に基づく清算価値を正確に推定することが重要です。その清算価値は少なくとも1株10ポンドは下らないと推定されます。同社は、今後、その保守的で先見性のある経営の大きな果実を得る可能性が高いと見ています。私見では、同社は、南アの中でも活動的、効率的、誠実、今日的で、将来性のある企業です。
  4. 経営陣は、極めて高い規律、優れた勤勉性と注意をもって経営しています。役員のヘンリー・ストラコッシュ卿を知っていますが、15年にわたって経営にあたっており、実質的に同社の創設者です。同氏は、インド評議会の財務担当メンバーであり、国際連盟の財務委員会の代表の1人でもあります。金、その他金属の事業の推進について彼より適した人材はいないでしょう。
  5. 同事業は、複利的に成長する要素を強くもっています。もし金の状況が悪化することなければ、過去17年間に12倍の価値になりましたが、向う3、4年で同社株は20ポンドにはなるでしょう。そして、前述したようにその先見性が今、正に発揮されるときです。その価値が3,4年で3倍になったとしても驚きではないでしょう。深刻なリスクにさらされないよう、その権益は十分分散されていいます。勿論、金鉱山の先行きについて見通しが変わるリスクは軽視できません。しかし、金への投資ポジションを維持することが適当と見込まれる間は、自身、そして責任を持つ他の口座において、ユニオン・コーポレーション株への投資をするつもりです。全般的な金の状況が変化することがなければ、今後数年で、大きな上昇をすると予想されます。


To F.C. Scott, 15 August 1934

Dear Scot,

Union Corporation

My strong feeling in favour of retaining our holding in this is based on the following considerations:

  1. 2,500 shares at 7 are worth GBP17,500, scarcely more than 1&1/2 per cent of our assets. It is also legitimate, I think, in this connection, to consider what a holding cost as well as what it might fetch and on this test the amount involved is less than GBP11,000, or less than 1 per cent of our assets. Thus I do not feel that the holding can be considered dangerously high in itself, if other factors favour it, and if the investment itself amounts to a spreading of risk.


  1. The present market capitalisation of Union Corporations is more than GBP6,000,000, so that it is a very substantial concern. We are far from having our eggs all in one basket in as much as the Corporation controls at least six South African gold mines in addition to which it has substantial interests in the Rhodesian copper mines (which it was in from the beginning and holds at a very satisfactory price), the San Francisco lead silver mines and important interests in Australia. Its two industrial interests, namely, British Enka Silk and the Polyphone Gramophone Company which were only moderately successful ventures are now an entirely negligible portion of its interests. The Corporation itself holds a substantial amount of shares in its companies, but it is primarily concerned, of course, in their financial and technical management, in which it has been outstandingly successful. In addition to this it does a considerable and growing banking, foreign exchange and stock exchange business, partly in connection with its interest in gold and partly arising out of the fact that like all South African houses it is the ‘shop’, i.e. the principal jobber, for its own companies. In order to enable it to take advantage of banking and exchange business opportunities it has been accustomed to hold in cash and British Government securities a large sum – probably about GBP3,000000 at the present time.


  1. The dividend policy of the Corporation has been immensely conservative by which it has built up the value of its shares from 12s. 6d., to which sum they were written down in 1917, to GBP7 at the present time. I may mention that it was a German company before the War, which was taken over during and on account of the War and has been rebuilt into its present state during the last 17 years. It is accustomed to show no more profits than are required to pay the dividend with a margin for reserves. I should estimate that its actual income may easily be two or three times what it shows. It has many concealed assets, valuable options etc. One of its most important and successful mines has not year reached the dividend stage and another on has only just reached it and is not yet at full strength, so that there is much more income to come by the mere efflux of time. It is important to estimate accurately the present break-up value of the shares on the basis of the current market values of its constituent assets, but my guess would be that the break-up value could scarcely be far short of GBP10 a share. The Corporation still has to get the full benefit of tis conservative and farsighted management. In my opinion it is the up-to-date and coming South African house, much more alive, more efficient and much more honest than any of the others.


  1. I consider that the management has the highest standards and exercises extreme industry and care. I have known Sir Henry Strakosch, the managing director, who is the virtual creator of the Corporation in its present form, intimately for 15 years. He has also been for some time the financial member of the India Council and one of tour representatives on the Financial Committee of the League of Nations. I feel that that part of one’s resources which one is willing to embark in gold and other metals cannot be better handled than by leaving him to manage them for one from his position of exceptional advantage.


  1. The business is one with a strong compound interest element in it. If nothing goes wrong with the gold situation, I see no reason why the shares should not reach 20 in 3 or 4 years. They have increased 12-fold in value in the last seventeen years and yet, as I have said above, are only now beginning to get the full advantage of their farsightedness. There would, therefore, be nothing at all surprising in their trebling in value in the next 3 or 4 years. I am convinced that one’s interests would be sufficiently spread for there to be no serious risk, except the general risk, which I do not underestimate, of gold mines as a whole. If one’s opinions changed about the prospects of gold, that would after the situation altogether. But, in so far as one is prepared to continue to hold investments in the metal, I have decided for myself and for other accounts for which I am responsible, to concentrate practically the whole of what I am prepared to invest in this way in the Union Corporation, and then to hold the shares obstinately for a period of years for a really large appreciation, – unless, as I have said, the gold position as a whole shows signs of change.

      As time goes on I get more and more convinced that the right method in investment is to put fairly large sums into enterprises which one thinks one knows something about and in the management of which one thoroughly believes. It is a mistake to think that one limits one’s risk by spreading too much between enterprises about which one knows little and has no reason for special confidence. Obviously this principle ought not to be carried to far. The real limitation, however, on its application in practice is in my experience the small number of enterprises about which at any given time one feels I this way. One’s knowledge and experience are definitely limited and there are seldom more than two or three enterprises at any given time in which I personally feel myself entitled to put full confidence.

Yours sincerely,



By Kota Nakako



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