83. 世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入(い)る 山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる 藤原俊成(ふじわらとしなり) There is no escape from the world secular. Trying to escape from it seriously, I enter into the deep mountain insular. Yet I still hear the deer crying woefully, As if remembering the life earthly. By Toshinari Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太

83. 世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入(い)る 山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる 藤原俊成(ふじわらとしなり) There is no escape from the world secular. Trying to escape from it seriously, I enter into the deep mountain insular. Yet I still hear the deer crying woefully, As if remembering the life earthly. By Toshinari Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

83. 世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入(い)る 山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる 藤原俊成(ふじわらとしなり) There is no escape from the world secular. Trying to escape from it seriously, I enter into the deep mountain insular. Yet I still hear the deer crying woefully, As if remembering the life earthly. By Toshinari Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

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