英語で味わう古今和歌集 851 紀貫之 88 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-851 Ki no Tsurayuki-88

中湖 康太

英語で味わう古今和歌集 851 紀貫之 88
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-851 Ki no Tsurayuki-88

< あるじ身まかりける人の家の梅の花を見てよめる >

色も香も 昔の濃さに 匂へども 植ゑけむ人の 影ぞ恋しき

紀 貫之

< Composed looking at the plum blossoms of the house of the deceased owner. >
Of plum blossoms,
The color shines,
And the fragrance smells,
As thickly as in former times,
The person who planted them, I truly miss.

Ki no Tsurayuki


Though the color and fragrance of the cherry blossoms are the same as before, I miss the owner of the house who planted them.

by Kota Nakako



新NISA時代の投資のヒント 投資・経済短歌&コラム: バフェットとケインズの投資法etc.

みんなの財布がふくらむ 新・利他の経済学: 物と心が豊かになる (GCS出版)

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