英語で味わう古今和歌集 804 紀貫之 83 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-804 Ki no Tsurayuki-83

中湖 康太

英語で味わう古今和歌集 804 紀貫之 83
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-804 Ki no Tsurayuki-83

初雁(ハツカリ)の なきこそ渡れ 世の中の 人の心の あきし憂(ウ)ければ

紀 貫之

It is the autumn sky,
That migratory wild geese are passing over, orderly, 
Chirping resoundingly,
And that makes me worried, deeply, 
About people’s getting bored of me, easily. 

Ki no Tsurayuki


It is the autumn sky that migratory wild geese are passing over, chirping, and that makes me worried about people’s getting bored of me, easily.
* ‘あき’ (aki) is the hononyms of ‘autumn’ and ‘getting bored’.

by Kota Nakako


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