英語で味わう古今和歌集 633 紀貫之 78 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-606 Ki no Tsurayuki-78

中湖 康太

英語で味わう古今和歌集 633 紀貫之 78
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-606 Ki no Tsurayuki-78


忍ぶれど 恋しきときは あしひきの 山より月の 出(イ)でてこそくれ

紀 貫之

As I miss her, solely,
Too much to restrain,
I am leaving home secretly,
Silently like the moon, 
Moving out of the mountain.

Ki no Tsurayuki


(注) 恋(A)と月(B)をかけて、(ひっそりと)出る(C)=述語にむすんだもの。構造的にはA-C、B-Cの2つからなる。叙情と情景と重ねた和歌の基本形。

As I miss her solely too much to endure, I am leaving home secretly, like the moon moving out of the mountain silently.

* ’あしひき’ is customary epithet of ‘月’, or ‘moon’. 

Note: ‘love’ (A) and ‘moon’ (B) are related and predicated to ‘leave/move out’ (C). Structurally, it consists of A-C and B-C, i.e. lyricism and scenery overlapped, the basic form of Waka.

by Kota Nakako


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