英語で味わう古今和歌集 115 紀貫之 19 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-115 Ki no Tsurayuki-19

中湖 康太

英語で味わう古今和歌集 115 紀貫之 19
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-115 Ki no Tsurayuki-19

< 志賀の山越えに女のおほくあへりけるによみてつかはしける >

梓弓(アヅサユミ) 春の山べを 越えくれば 道もさりあへず 花ぞ散りける

紀 貫之

< Composed and sent when seeing many girls on passing through Shiga mountain pass. > 

Passing through on the way,
The mountain in spring,
There were flowers so many,
On the road falling,
No other way I could not help finding.

Ki no Tsurayuki
< 志賀の山越えの途中で、多くの女性たちに出会った時に、詠んで贈った歌 >
* 梓弓 - 春の枕詞 (弓を引き、矢を射るときの動作・状態から「ひく」「はる」「い」「いる」にかかる); Azusa-Yumi – a pillow word for ‘haru’ or spring, from an action of drawing a bow or ‘haru’ in Japanese.

Passing through the mountain in spring, there were so many flowers falling on the road that I could not avoid them to go through.

By Kota Nakako



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